Chapter One: Intruder.

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"Come on...." I said as I fiddled with the lock on the door. It was taking a while cause my hands were shaking as I was cold and wet from running through the rain.

Then, the lock popped open and I turned the handle.
The door opened.

I crept into the house as quietly as I could.
I was sure the owners were out but I tried to be quiet just in case.

Looking around me, I found myself in the entrance hall of the mansion. I peered into a room to the right of me and saw a fire blazing into the darkness, they must have forgotten to put it out.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped into the room.
I quickly rushed to the fire and felt the heat in my face.

I sighed and closed my eyes, I hadn't realised how tired I was until that moment.

Only for a minute.... I thought to myself as I laid down on the rug.

I felt myself slowly slipping into darkness.
And then I was gone.


"So yeah. That how you eat bum. Kill mammoth, skin mammoth, cut mammoth, cook mammoth..."

"Oh you do cook it?"

"Yes I am not animal."

"Could've fooled me."

"Anyway, then choose who eat what bit. I always choose bum. It best part. Very meaty."

"Anything for pudding?"

"More bum."

"Right, well I think that's the end of Robins talk about what he used to eat back in his day and how he would go about cooking it. Tomorrow, Thomas will be giving us a brilliant performance of one of his most famous poems." Explained Pat excitedly.

A series of groans sounded throughout the room.

"I'd rather listen to Kitty sing 'somewhere over the rainbow' for the 50th time today than watch that." Julian muttered.

"It is called: Hermione and Roger...." Thomas flourished dramatically.

"Hang on.... Isn't that the last poem you performed before you died?" Humphrey asked.

"Oh yes I's does remember that. It was quite's dramatic." Mary recalled.

"Great." Julian said sarcastically.

"Now come on guys, give it a chance." Pat tried to reason with them.

"Yes, it is a poem that is very close to my heart. It's only two hours long!" Thomas clutched his chest dramatically.

Complaints came from everyone protesting against being forced to watch that performance.

"Well I think I should do my speech that I did in the House of Commons when we were trying to pass that law about....." Julian started to say but was interrupted.

"No no, definitely not." The Captain piped up and shook his head.

Soon, everyone was arguing about what should be going on the next day at that time and trying to explain their individual points. It was chaos.

Suddenly, the door was heard opening from downstairs and everyone fell silent.

"Oh! Alison and Mike must be back early! How exciting!" Kitty exclaimed and rushed out of the room.

"Wait a minute Kitty, they said they were coming back at ten O'clock exactly. Why would they be so early?" The Captain warned as they followed after her.

But instead of Alison and Mike bustling through the door, they were met with nothing, no one.

They all looked at each other weirdly.

"Shall we look around? Just incase." Lady Button inquired.

Everyone nodded and ventured into the door to the left of them, it was the living room.

What they didn't realise, was that there was a girl in there. They were all quite surprised when they spotted her.

"Eh? Who that?" Robin pointed at the young girl and everyone looked over.

"Good lord." The Captain exclaimed.

"It's an intruder!" Fanny gasped.

"She's looks cold ands wet." Mary nodded whilst looking at the girl who was fast asleep next to the fire.

"Hmmm." The Captain agreed.

"Well, what should we do? We can't wake her up we're ghosts!" Pat asked.

"Unless she can see us that is." Humphrey pointed out.

"Well yes but that's very unlikely isn't it? It's only happened once and that is with my dear Alison, who is so special and amazing and she really is the best...." Thomas started.

"Yes alright Thomas we get the point!" Julian rolled his eyes.

"I suggest that we just wait here and keep watch on her until Alison and Mike get back. Until then, we need to keep a full inventory of what she does, even the smallest things." The Captain said and everyone agreed.

And so they waited.
And the girl slept.

And they waited some more.
And the girl slept, unmoving.

"I don't know if she is going to move at all really." Thomas shrugged.

"Shhh!" The ghosts shushed him.

"She could wake up at any moment!" Fanny told him.

And so they waited, for a while.
A long while.

Still, the girl slept.

"She's must have been's tired." Mary nodded.

Everyone murmured in agreement.

"I wonder who she is. What's her name? Why is she here? Oh I want to know everything about her! Maybe we could be friends!" Kitty grinned.

"Now Kitty, she is an intruder in our house and is not to be trusted!" The Captain told her and she made a face of disappointment and slight annoyance.

"Also, once Alison and Mike are back, I'm sure we'll find out all of those things." Pat said.

And just at that moment, they walked through the door.

"Hey! We're back!" Alison called out to the house.

"Uh, we're in here!" Julian shouted back, still peering at the girl.

"Oh hey guys, what up? What are we all doing in..." She started but then caught sight of the girl.

"Who is that?" She looked around at the ghosts confused.

"We don't know. She broke into my house and then just came and laid down by the fire." Fanny explained, gesturing to the girl.

"Oh god. I better wake her up." She walked over and stood above her.

"Um, excuse me? Your kind of in our house. Wake up!" She shook the girl and soon enough, she gasped and sat upright.

Her eyes were wide as she gazed around the room at all the people that were there.

"Oh shit."

Authors note:
I hope you guys liked the first chapter! 
I had so much fun writing this and I can't wait to write more!
The chapters will get longer as we go on but I felt that that was a good place to end the first one.
If you have any questions or ideas on how I could make my writing better then please leave them in the comments! Or just let me know what you thought!
Thanks for reading :)

RUN - a BBC Ghosts fanfiction. Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant