Chapter Four: Getting to know you.

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The next day I was sitting on my bed and scrolling through my phone.
We had just got back from the shops and I was exhausted.
I had forgotten how tiring shopping could be.

Looking around the room, I smiled to myself. Alison had insisted that we got decorations for what she called "my room" and I must say, when they were put up, they looked really quite nice.

Suddenly a voice came from the doorway.

"Knock knock! I say that because I can't actually knock you know so....." It was Pat, he was just standing in the room with a big grin on his face.

"Urm, we were wondering if you wanted to come and join us for film club? It's Kitty's turn to choose and so she picked the wizard of oz!" He asked hopefully.

"Sure." I nodded and got up from the bed.

"Right, cool! Come on then." He gestured for me to follow him out of the room.

Once we got to the film room, Pat hurried over to his spot on the sofa and I just awkwardly stood at the door. I didn't really know where to sit until Alison turned and caught sight of me.

"Oh Audrey you're here! Come sit." She patted the sofa beside her which was thankfully the bit closest to the arm.

"Well Audrey, it's my turn to choose today and so I have chosen..... The wizard of oz!" Kitty exclaimed excitedly.

Julian groaned.

"Oh yeah Pat said that." I smiled.

"Have you seen it? Do you like it? It's my favourite film in the whole wide world. It's because there's a song in it about rainbows and I love rainbows! I don't like the wicked witch. But it's fine because in the end she dies so it's alright." Kitty said all in one go without taking a breath.

"Oh yeah I don't likes her." Mary piped up.
"She be a mean old hag." She shook her head.

"Actually, the wizard of oz was one of my favourites when I was younger. " I told Kitty and she clapped her hands.

"Oh yay!"

"Hang on, how old are you exactly? I don't think I've asked yet." Alison turned to look at me.

"Oh I'm gonna be 16 in June. So 15." I said.

"Huh." Alison nodded.

"Shhhh guys, it's starting!" Pat whispered.

"Yes yes, pipe down everyone." The Captain ordered and everyone was silent.

As the opening titles came on screen, I felt a sudden surge of nostalgia.

I remembered me and my dad watching that film, singing along to all the songs. I was always Dorothy and he was the tin man, scarecrow and lion. My mum would come in from the kitchen to be Glinda and the wicked witch and our dog would be Toto.

It was funny because, when I had watched it for the first time, I begged my parents to get me a dog just the same as him and they did. I named him Toto and  everything.

I felt my eyes well up a bit but shook the tears off, I couldn't cry there at that moment. And so, I just decided to focus on the film and not my dead parents.

After it had finished, everyone was yawning and looking pretty much ready for bed, I certainly was. 

"Right, bed for everyone I presume?" The Captain stood up with his knees clicking and I winced at the sound.

We all nodded and started to get up and filter out of the room.

As I got up, I accidentally stood too fast and got a head rush, making me stumble a bit and knock into the person next to me. That just so happened to be Pat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2023 ⏰

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