Chapter Two: Who are you?

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"Oh shit." I said as I looked around me. I had overslept for a tad bit too long and had been caught.

"Uh! You are a young lady! It is rude to use that offensive language!" A woman who was wearing grey and looked very strict corrected sternly.

"Sorry." I looked over and apologised, I didn't want to offend anyone.

There was a gasp from every single person in that room.

"What?" I was confused.

"You can see us?" A guy with and arrow through his neck asked. I winced at the injury, that couldn't have been a nice way to die.

"Ohhhh, yeah I can." I realised why they were so confused now.

"But how? How can you see us?" A man who was wearing a soldiers uniform demanded.

"The same way she can." I pointed to the woman standing over me.

"Hang on, how did you know I could see them?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Your looking at them." I pointed out.

"Oh yeah fair enough."

At that moment, a man came rushing in to the room.
I realised that he couldn't see the ghosts because he passed through one of them as he came toward me.

A cloud of black smoke rose up into the air as the woman doubled over in a coughing fit.

"Hm, why do I smell burning?" He pondered.

"You just..." Alison started.

"Oh! Did I go through the lady? Oh what's her name?" He said.

"Mary." Alison told him.

"Oh yeah, sorry Mary." He apologised in the completely wrong direction, he almost talked as if they were all in the air.

"It's is okay." The woman who I assumed was called Mary nodded.

"So..... wait, who's this?" He caught sight of me.

"Oh, I don't know. I found her sleeping by the fire." Alison explained.

"Yeah but, why is she here?" He asked.

Alison turned to me suggestively.

"Yes, what is she doing in my house?"

"Actually it's my house."

"It actually mine first."

"No that's the land not the house Robin."

"Guys can you please shut up!" The lady interrupted.

"Well.... Well it was.... It was raining and I was a bit cold and I needed just a place to warm up and so I found this house and realised that no one was home and so I came in and saw that the fire was on and I sat by it but then I was really tired and so I laid down and then accidentally fell asleep for too long. But I wasn't gonna take anything I swear!" It all rushed out of my mouth so fast that I was surprised anyone could understand me.

"Right... So you broke into our house just to warm yourself up?"

"Yes, I can go now." I nodded.

"But why were you even here in the first place?" The man asked.

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"Like, why were you alone, in this area at this time of night?"

"Oh, well..... I don't.... I'm...." I trailed off, not finding the words I needed.

"A lady does not stutter!" The old woman protested.

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