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I did not mean to do those things

I did not mean to say those words

I did not mean to act that way

We did not mean for it to happen

the highly unhealthy habits of mankind

When you have no boundaries in sight

All current limits are pushed past breaking

You did not mean to turn away

You did not mean to break down

You did not mean to leave me behind

We did not mean to separate this way

the excuses I try to conquer in my mind

When truthfully you just ignored my calls

All left undone and unsaid

If only we thought to sit down and talk

If only we thought about the consequences

If only we thought it was serious

We did not mean to do any of it

the feelings we felt for each other

All disappeared as fast as they appeared

Are the things I did for you and said to you

I can not say it was love

I can not say it was not love

Because I do not know love

But I do know you and the pain

I now feel at your absence

I hope you miss me as much as I miss you

For we shall meet again some day

And reflect on our past.

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