The Fight for Flight

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Is it safe to let go and fly away?

Or am I forever stuck to conform

to the views of a world so cold?

Do what it is you want me to do?

Say only what I'm allowed to say?

Put your foot here now there.

Look this way now back again.

Do not go there it is not allowed.

YET you tell me I'm free!?

What is freedom to you?

You know what, do not answer that

I will answer it for you

You are at the proper age.

You can make decisions on your own

BUT not that. It's wrong.

Take this class you need it to graduate

Don't worry if you fail you can try again

Just not more than twice

Oh look I think its graduation time

You did not do that well in those classes

YET they say you did just fine with a C

The colleges you applied to stares intently, pondering

Is this person going to change their ways

and views to fit in with our school?

We care about this student, right?

NO! You want to know why?!

I can tell you the reason WHY

they do not really CARE about you as a person.

They need you to help them stay accredited.

Especially in the high schools it seems.

Take you in. Teach you nonsense. Throw you out.

We need the resources for other students.

Another day. Another student. Another excuse.

To use the very things they tell us we need against us.

But you shalt not worry about what you cannot control.

Control? That's just the thing you control LITTLE in your life.

Free will was hard for you to come by since birth. And yet

America. Our land of the free and the brave

Seems to be the land of the captive and the cowardly.

Although not always the case!

It surely is always in your life.

Therefore it is time to come together to make things change and ask

Am I forever destined to conform to your ideology?

Or can I unleash my wings and soar into MY OWN character?

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