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Is it safe to catch it now?

What has been thrown your way ?

It had honestly taken awhile for your eyes to open

You were so blinded by the smile and laugh

Affected by the strong walk and smooth dances

That you did not notice the deception

The falsities hanging in the shadows

Your parents always told you to follow your heart

If you feel as though that's the right decision

Yet they never told you how to spot a right decision

So you took a left into the personality of confusion

Walking back and forth between you and them

You're mentally stuck in yesterdays actions

All while trying to physically live in today

Feeling as though you truly lost yourself

And then you pause to catch the realization

There you go taking the U-turn of a lifetime

It was never meant to be in the first place

You pay attention to your own smiles and laughs

Now its all about your smooth walk and casual dances

The confusion was not strong enough to hold you

Eyes wide open and clear like a cloudless sky

This is now your time to be center stage

You have now been awakened

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