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Night owl Severus Snape woke up unusually early on Saturday. He waited until Dr. and Dr. Granger left for their practice before he went downstairs. Miss Granger sat at the table drinking coffee. Without looking up from her Muggle newspaper, she pushed a steaming cup towards him.

The dour man grabbed it and went to the hallway in search of his shoes. Lately, Mrs. Granger had snipped at anyone who wore their shoes throughout the house—apparently Mr. Granger had accidentally tracked mud on the white carpet.

Miss Granger joined him in the foyer a few minutes later with a blue thermos in her hand—only she didn't look like Miss Granger. In her place stood Dr. Jean Granger, her short, straight hair pulled back into a ponytail.

"Interesting disguise, Miss Granger."

"Are you going to be making yourself younger or older?" she asked, looking down at him as he put on his glasses.

Snape didn't look up from his shoe-tying. "Younger." With a tap to his black glasses, a fifteen-year-old Severus Snape stood up. "I trust you have your Portkey?"

Hermione pulled at the little pearl stud in her ear. "Right here."

He nodded. "To Grimmauld Place then." The two twirled into nothingness to meet up with the rest of the party.

Kingsley gave each person an assigned area to watch throughout the day, and partnered most of them off. Remus and Hermione went as a couple, as did Bill and Fleur, both pairs hopping from restaurant to restaurant. Ron and Fred dressed as homeless people and milled around the street near Miranda's café. George and Harry sat on a rooftop nearby, re-Disillusioning themselves every few hours. Snape circled the perimeter in his fifteen-year-old form. Kingsley sat in the café all day. He reassured Miranda that she would be fine every time he ordered a cup of tea from her.

The sun went down and the street cleared. Kingsley moved to the alley across from the parking lot. Miranda locked up the café and waved good bye to the manager. No sooner had she unlocked her car did the vampires appear. They swooped down from above, morphing from bats into their human forms. Miranda screamed and locked the doors.

A lynx Patronus swept through the parking lot, blinding the light-sensitive vampires. Harry and George showered orbs of light on the scene from their vantage point above. Everyone else surrounded the undead minions, trying to keep any of them from fleeing.

Hermione pulled a handful of toothpicks out of her pocket and threw them into the air. She transfigured them, spelling them larger to resemble stakes, and cast them towards the vampires. One unfortunate vampire was speared through the heart, and fell to the pavement.

Snape used several well-aimed slicing hexes to cut off undead limbs.

Ron distracted a pair of children vampires by constantly casting and recasting Binding Jinxes on them.

"Stop teasing us, boy!" the young vampire bellowed in a voice that should have belonged to an adult man.

The little girl ripped through the ropes. "We're three times as old as you are!"

"And twice as smart!" the little boy added. A horde of bats fluttered in a cloud around Ron. He tried to swat them away and fired haphazard spells towards the children.

The vampires, usually pale and beautiful, hissed whenever Remus the werewolf or Fleur the half-veela came near. The new Mrs. Weasley was holding up well despite her fragile looking frame. She hadn't been a Triwizard Champion for nothing.

The Polyjuice Potion faded away. Hermione pushed through the pain of her melting skin and continued to hex vampires. Three of them had already fled the scene. None of the Order members had been seriously injured.

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