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Harry, Remus, and Tonks (who everyone now struggled to call Dora, since her name was no longer Tonks) ripped open their presents along with the Weasleys. All of them except Percy were present. Celestina Warbeck trilled through the Wizard Wireless.

Harry, Ron, and Ginny exchanged dubious glances: Luna had sent them all a candied dirigible plum.

"I wish Hermione could be here," Ron said forlornly.

"Can you imagine having ol' Snapey here with us?" Fred asked as he pulled on his annual hand-knitted sweater.

"Do bats celebrate Christmas?" George asked curiously.

"Oh, guys, he's not that bad anymore," Ginny chided. "I don't know what Hermione did, but she changed him."


The Granger's plastic Christmas tree sparkled. Some of the boughs even bent towards the ground because the ornaments were too heavy. Hermione kneeled in front of the tree and rearranged the presents.

A noise made her turn around. Sleepy-eyed, tousle-haired Severus Snape wandered into the sitting room at ten a.m.

"Happy Christmas, Severus!" Hermione said cheerfully. "Are you up so early because of all the Christmas cheer in the air?"

Severus rubbed his eyes. "No," he said shortly. "I'm up because of this."

A little stuffed bat flew around his head in an erratic elliptical. "What is that?" Hermione exclaimed curiously.

"Minerva's Christmas present."

"Well that's not very nice…what did you get her?"

"A beautiful cat broach."


The man grinned mischievously. "That meows whenever she talks."

Hermione burst into laughter. "You two are so funny!"

"Oh, good, you're both up," Jean said as she hustled into the kitchen. "We're going to your grandmother's today for the family Christmas party.

"What is with you people and family parties?" Severus grumbled.

"Oh, Severus, you're not missing your own family party are you?" Hermione asked worriedly.

Severus waved his hand. "No."

Hermione bit her lip to keep the questions inside. Severus looked at her and knew what she was thinking.

"Ask me about my family later."

"If you don't want to tell me—"

"I'll tell you," he said, "just not on Christmas." How could he tell her that his jealous Muggle father abused him and his mother then left without a word? And his mother died of loneliness? Not a very happy Christmas story.

"Alright," Hermione nodded. She picked up a wrapped box and handed it to Severus.

"What's this?"

She rolled her eyes. "It's a Christmas gift. Go on," she urged him, "open it."

Carefully and methodically he unwrapped the box. Inside sat a pair of familiar black-rimmed glasses.

"It's a revamped version of the glasses you used during the summer. You seemed to enjoy them," she giggled.

"When they worked properly," he mumbled, examining his gift.

"Now, instead of tapping the glasses, you hold your wand to the left side and think of the age you want. And when you tap the right side," she said, placing the glasses on her face to demonstrate, "you can change your appearance however you want." Hermione's curly brown hair disappeared in the blink of an eye, replaced by straight blonde hair. She didn't get any taller but Severus was unpleasantly reminded of Arachne Roberts. He couldn't recognize any feature belonging to his Hermione. He didn't like it.

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