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~Chapter 92~

Flashback ⏮️

Charlis POV:

Randy: "girl set your expectations low. This place is like prison only we don't get breaks. Trust me. I've been in here for a good year now."
She took a drag of her cigarette

Charli: "I been here a day and I feel like dying."
I took her cigarette and took a hit

Randy: "why are you in here."
Charli: "to get clean"

She shook her head

Randy: "no. Why are you in here."
Charli: "for my boyfriend."

She nodded

Charli: "why are you in here."
Randy: "for my daughter."

I'm not in here for myself. I'm in here for him. And even though we're broken up, I still believe if I get clean, he'll come back to me.

Randy: "she's with her father right now. He took custody from me. She's seen me in and out of here for so long. I just want to be a good mom. I'm doing this for her"


Counsellor: "Remember that addiction is a disease, and it requires ongoing care and attention. Recovery is not a one-time event; it's a lifelong journey. But the good news is that it is a journey worth taking, and the rewards are immeasurable. So let's support each other, learn from each other, and grow together. We are on this journey together, and I believe that with the right mindset, support, and determination, we can all achieve lasting recovery."

I have to listen to this every day, 7 hours a day for 2 months.
I'm gonna kill my self.


Counseler: "good job Charli. You're done."

I nodded and thanked him even though I didn't mean it.

This place didn't do shit for me. None of the speeches did shit because I didn't listen to one second of them. The only reason I'm okay now is because they trapped me in this prison for 2 months meaning I couldn't get drugs.

Randy: "bye Charli."

I signed

Charli: "I wish the best for you. I really do. I'm sorry I'm leaving. But I can't stay any longer. I can't. I hate this place. I do. I'm never coming back here."

I'm not kidding when I say, I wake up to rats licking my toes.

Randy: "good luck Charli. I hope you live the best life. You deserve it"
Charli: "I hope you'll be out of here soon and I hope you get custody back. Bye Randy"

I walked away and even though I was sad to be leaving one of my friends, I was more than happy to be out for good.

There is no way in hell I'd ever go back there in my entire life. My god. I wouldn't have lasted in there for one more day. I would've killed myself. I swear to god. It's terrible.

Present ⏭️

Chase: "you're going. I promise, it's gonna be better this time. I will find a good rehab."
Charli: "the only good rehabs are expensive"

Even the bad ones are expensive.

Chase: "well doesn't matter. We'll find the money."
Charli: "no we won't? Where are we finding this money. We are broke. I'm not going back. End of conversation."

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