Chapter 1

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"You are not leaving this house!!!" He fumed, staring angrily at me.

"I'm sorry dad, but I'm old enough to make decisions for..."

"Shut up!! As far as I remain the head of this house, my decisions are final to everyone, including you." He said coldly.

"Angel, please listen to your father." Mom cried as she held my arm. "Please do this...for me."

I sighed and stared at her pleading eyes that held tears begging to roll down her cheeks.

"Please, my son...for me." She begged again.


"Attention passengers. This is your pilot speaking." His voice spoke through the speakers, making me sink deeper into my seat.

What is it this time?

"We have arrived at our destination. Prepare for landing." He said, making my heart skip a beat. 

I looked out the window and saw the view tilt, signifying that the plane was indeed landing. I gripped the arm rest hard as I shut my eyes, waiting for it to be over. Suddenly, the turbulence passed and I saw land.

We had landed.

Applauses were heard around, as everyone clapped and cheered the pilot. I joined in, really excited that we had landed. It was my first time on a plane. How was it, you ask?

Amazingly terrible.

I made my way out of the plane, wandering around California's airport aimlessly. Where do I go from here? I didn't have a plan. Immediately I heard that my visa and passport were ready, I just hopped on the first flight I saw.

This is bad.

"Samantha?!" A voice called.

"Louis?!" Another called.

"Ju Kim?!" And another.

I turned to the voices and saw people holding up banners and signs with people's names on them. I saw these on one of my airplane movies back at home. Unluckily for me, no one there held any banners related to me.

I rolled my bags out of the airport, looking for a cab to hail. I had little cash on me so hopefully, it'll be enough to take me to the campus.

A cab finally pulled over and a man with a lumberjack beard smiled at me. Not gonna lie, it was freaky as hell but I didn't want him to fell bad so I smiled back.

"Where you headed chico?" He asked in a thick mexican accent.

"Uh...UCLA but I don't know how...much it cost." I asked, immediately regretting telling a hustler that info.

"Oh, I see. You're new. Get in, Santiago. It's cool." He said, opening his door.

I hesitated for a while before entering the car. What's the worst that could happen? Let's see, he could take me to a serene environment, drug me, take my kidneys and dump my dead body in an alley. Yeah, nothing bad.

"You...wanna say something?" He asked. He must have noticed my demeanor.

"You're not gonna kill me by stealing my organs, right? I asked, desperately.

He let out a hearty laughter like my death is a joke. Guess I'm quite the comedian.

"I like you so no. I'm not gonna take your organs." He said chuckling. "So, where you from lil amigo? I can tell it's your first time in the states."

"I'm from an African country. Nigeria to be precise."

"Hmm...the giant of Africa, right?" He asked which I nodded in response. "I'm Sergio."

"Angel." I said, to which he nodded.

He ended up giving me a tour of the entire city, making sure I felt welcomed. He was a nice guy. The lumberjack look just betrays that fact.

"And here we are." He said, pulling over by the gate of the beautiful campus. "The final destination." He said, making me cringe.

"Please, never say that again." I said.

"Thought I was a murderer. It only made sense that I say that." He chuckled.

I came down with my bags before turning to ask of his pay but he waved me off.

"It's okay, Santiago. It's on the house. Welcome to America." He smiled, before starting his car.

"Thanks, Sergio. You really helped me a lot today." I appreciated to which he responded by saluting...very weirdly I might add.

"Take care." He said before driving away.



I know y'all are waiting for Billie's part. Don't worry, she'll come up. I want you to relate with the character first.

CommENT and VOte

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