Chapter 3

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When I'm away from you
I'm happier than ever
Wish I could explain it better
I wish it wasn't true

"Would you turn off that rubbish!!" Dad flared, walking to my MP3 player. "What kind of song is that?!"

"David, please don't start." Mom said, tailing behind him.

"I don't want to hear that song in my house again. If you want to be productive, pick up a book!!" He yelled before leaving, banging the door.


"And that's is why Halo by Beyonce should have been a soundtrack in Frozen." Aron finishes, sipping on his purèe.

"That's the worst point I've ever heard in my life." Kim says, giggling.

We were currently at starbucks, having our bonding time. Classes didn't start till next week so I had time. We got to know each other really well...well, I got to know them really well.

Quite frankly, if you remove the crazy and the constant checking out of other girls, these two are awesome.

Cheers went off as the crowd cheered for the singer who just came down from the mini stage. This starbucks had some sort of podium, with mic and instruments for customers that are musically inclined.

That's genius.

Minutes into tasting the different types of toppings you can put on a pizza, courtesy of Kim, loud murmurs were heard around as everyone suddenly stopped what they were doing to look at the new customers.

I turned to also get a glance of the new comers. My eyes fell on a black haired girl wearing baggy clothes and chains...lots and lots of chains and rings. Alongside her was a red haired man who looked older than her. He had on sweatshirt and jeans. Was that he boyfriend? Why was I thinking about that?

"Who's that?" I asked my new friends who now looked like they had seen a ghost...that is if you remove the grin on their faces.

"That's Billie Eilish. One of the greatest popstars to walk the earth. How do you not know her??" Aron asked as he looked at me in shock.

"I don't pay attention to the names of the singers, just the song." I shrugged.

"Well, that's dumb. I reckon you don't know who Adele is." Kim said, making me me shrug.

"Damn." Aron whispered, making us turn to him as he practically undressed the girl...Willie...with his eyes.

"I know you're not checking her out." Kim said, smacking his head.

"What? I'd tap that." He shrugged, smirking to himself.

"Don't you dare pervert over the Billie Eilish." Kim said, glaring hard at Aron. Though I saw something else flash in her eyes. Hurt? Nah.

A flash of light interrupted us as we turned to the source. There were people suddenly crowding the restaurant, each one holding a camera.

What the hell?

"Paparazzi." Kim groaned. "Every celebrity's nightmare."

"How do they even know that she's here?" Aron asked looking from the paps to the singer. "Don't they see they're making her uncomfortable?"

We turned to her and indeed she was uncomfortable. She kept bouncing here legs as she ignored the flashes that were right in her face.

"We should help her." I said, looking at my friends.

"How?" Kim asked. "It's not like we can go shoo the invaders away."

"No..." I say, looking around. A wolf grin formed on my face as I stared at the instruments on the stage. "But we could lure them away from her."

"How...?" Aron asked.

I took out the paper a waiter had given to me. It contains her number as she openly flirted with me. I scribbled something on it before turning to my friends.

"We have to give this to Sillie-"

"Billie" Kim corrected, glaring at me.

"Sure. We have to sneakily give this to her. But I don't know how..." I said, sighing.

"Eeee!!" Kim suddenly squealed. "Leave that to me."

She quickly got up, arranging her skirt before walking straight to Billie's table.

"I guess... we're supposed to.... follow her?" I squint at Aron who chucked.


        When we got there, we listened to Kim as she fawned over Billie. The girl was literally crying.

"I love you so much" she cried. "You saved my life."

"Aww, I love you too, angel. Don't cry." Billie said as she pulled Kim for a hug.

I dropped the paper on the table without being noticed, before taking Kim's phone to capture her and Billie's interaction on video.

Where was Aron, you ask?

Well he was busy staring at Billie's as... backside. The guy that was with her didn't seem to like that as he held Billie's shoulder protectively.

"So what now? Aron asked when we got back to our seat.

"How good are you both at singing?" I asked, making them smile, catching on to my idea.

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