Chapter 2

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"I said no! Don't you listen?!" Dad yelled as he snatched the form from my hands.

"But this is my decision. I am the one supposed to choose what I want!!" I yelled back, immediately regretting that as I felt my face turn a good ninety degrees.

He slapped me.

"Don't you dare raise your voice to me, Angel Daniels. You're studying Medicine and Surgery. That's final." He said before storming off, leaving anger brewing in my eyes.


"What course?" The secretary asked looking at me with a small smile.

"Computer Engineering major." I said, watching as she filled my information into the computer.

"Okay. Here's your schedule." She said, after printing some papers and handing them over to me. "There's also map of the school and the rules and regulations. It also entails the room you'll be staying in." She said before reaching into a small drawer.

"Here's your key. Your roommate should be there already so he'll be able to show you around." She says before dismissing me.

I am here on a 100% scholarship program so everything is practically prepared for me, it's insane. As I'm going through the confusing map to find the hostels, some idiot decided to pull that shit Olaf from frozen did when he met Kristoff and Anna.

"What'chu doing?" A deep voice said in my ear, making me screech.

I turned to see a huge guy behind me, laughing like his life depended on it. He had long blond hair that stopped at his chin and greyish blue eyes that struck me like lightening. Back at home we only had plain old brown.

"Sorry about him. He can get...stupid at times." A girl said to me. She gave a glare to the boy that chuckled silently.

When we say beauty, this was the definition. This girl was stunning. She had long black hair that stopped an inch below her waist. She had a heart shaped face and eyes that gave her origin away. She was an Asian.

"I'm sorry, bro. You just looked so lost I thought I should spook you a bit." The clown...I mean boy spoke.

"I'm Kia. This fool here is Aron." The girl said, looking at me expectantly.

"I'm Angel." I said, adjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder. I saw her face contort into one of awe as she grinned, suddenly.

"Aww, that's so cute!" She squealed, before hugging me out of the blue, making me laugh.

I get this a lot.

"Damn. My papa failed me on the naming aspect." I heard Aron mutter, before he faced me. "Welcome to America, bro. You're African, right? I hear an accent."


"I see a squad forming!" Kia said in song form as she held her grin, making Aron and I laugh.

           The rest of the day went well. I found out that Aron was my roommate and he was a computer science major. He really loves music, i.e singing and dancing. I found out he was a player as he never stuck with one girl. He has been like that since highschool. Atleast that's what Kia says.

Kia was a medical student that also based in the school. She was crazy about music and also crazy about...well just crazy. The girl is a ball of energy. She kept jumping and grinning as I told her about myself. Aron says I'll get used to it. Apparently the duo have been friends since sophomore year in highschool.

Might as well just get married.

            We went to a part of the campus Aron identified as the hostels. We said our goodbyes to Kia, ignoring her whining about wanting to stay with us. Aron was able to keep her out saying, 'we needed some dude time'. Harley Quinn took it as feminism and stomped out, making me breathe a breath of relief.

"You'll get used to it." Aron said, chuckling a bit. "Trust me."

After arranging my things, Kia busted into our room, saying she just had the brightest idea ever.

I'm beginning to rethink the whole friendship thing.

"How bout we have a bonding session. To get to know each other better." She grinned like a sick cat.

"....a what?" Aron and I asked at the same time.


Next chapter welcomes Billie. ❣️

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