the way to the airpory

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ofcourse the next day went by like really fast!

and pretty soon it was the day after tomorrow!

Dan picked us up at our homes.

i was so happy that i didnt have to be one of those kids who had to be ashamed of her parents!

cause my parents dont really care about what i do or dont do... that has a bright side but also a dark side. they never push me and thats great but sometimes it just feels like they dont really care about me. that makes me sad.

anyways, i was so darn happy when i saw dan's car on the driveway! he opened the door of the car for me as if he was my assistant or driver. i felt like the luckiest girl in the world. untill i got into the car. as a said, when Dan picked people to come audition i didnt pay any attention. but i was very very dissapointed with who where already in the car... Stacey and Rebecca! the two girls who have been teasing me from the very minute i came to the preforming arts school! so i decided to talk to Dan the whole way to the airport and just ignore the girls. i started a discusion with Dan and he just went along with it and we talked the whole car ride!

then we arrived at the airport! we got out of the car and followed Dan into the airporthall. i had never been there cause we never went on holidays. it was so huge! so many people! i kept looking at the celling, just dreaming away when i heard Dan calling my name. "Brigette! come on! lets go! we dont wanna miss our plane!" suddenly i came back to earth." right! sorry bout that!" i said and ran after them thrue a hallway. then we stopped and he pointed at a plane. "thats the one! im not coming with you because this will be the chance for you to get to know the boys! im taking a later flight so good luck!" e

he said and then just ran of. i just walked towards the plane and got onboard. i looked around. this wasnt a normal plane! it was a privet yet! i looked further into the plane and saw 5 cute guys my age staring at me. i had a feeling this was gonna be a great flight!

dancing till we see the sunOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz