《Chapter One》

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"Definitely no.
Not this.
Ah..this one is perfect."

Sighing in relief, the women started reading one of her stories.

Clearly she didn't knew what the music was about, nor did she care whatsoever.

Her life wasn't the best- yet it wasn't that bad either.
Ever since she had moved out of her house to study her University life, Samantha Adams has been living alone by herself.

Of course, her mother came to visit frequently along with her- not-so-loveable- little sibling. She didn't complain tho, sometimes it was nice to have some company over, as the whole house felt rather lonely time to time and she wasn't the type to just go to any parties.

So yeah, her life wasn't the smoothest, but she didnt care as she was too converted into the world of her own imagination, or fiction as she called it.

Samantha may try to ignore people, however there's still those who would annoy her time to time, thinking that one day, she will start to hangout with them. Of course, they still couldn't get her to do that.

In a way, it meant she was quiet popular. But she- of course, didn't gave "two fucks", as she says.

Not like other girls? Probably.

The women gasped, clutching her phone tightly in anger,
"This bitch-..continued." Groaning, she stood up from her sitting position, placing the device in the counter.

She hummed, before putting on a song on YouTube, too lazy to ask Alexa, walking around her small kitchen to find something to eat.

Another thing to know..Samathan hates cooking. But it wasnt that she didnt cook- she did..But certainly not as much as others.

'Noodles, noodles..where are you friend?' She thought, before opening the cabinet, and finding the package of her favourite food.

Okay, not entirely favourite- but it was better then nothing.

The women grinned, before closing the cabinet, and taking out a small pot, with needed amount of water.

Putting all the ingredients, she slowly danced around the room, feeling the music going through her vines.

It was a soft- a romantic song,
"Thousand Years" as it was; was Samantha's one of the best love song ever, even after years of listening to the song, she couldn't help but love how it made her feel inside.

Despite having no one in her life, this song has always made her happy and sad at the same time.
Happy couse the song was two hearts, bonding forever,
And sad couse, she knew she won't be getting anyone in her life.

Not that she wanted one either. Not like this, in this generation.
In the books that she had read all her life, the bonds between those two characters was what she wanted in her life.

A person who would love her more then she loved herself, someone who would do anything to keep her, just as her. Would give her love rather than gifts, jewelaries. Those were not her things.

Someone who would always be with her til the end, never once letting go of her hands- even if she wanted too.

Not those where if you're needed then I'll take you, but after the fun's over, I'm throwing you out types.

Her dancing came to a stop when she heard the boiling water, signaling her it was done.

Fixing her clothes a bit, she went toward the kitchen, taking the pot down, before placing a plate on her table.

She huffed after she relized her plate- which was full a while ago, is now finished. And she missed the flavour already.

Pinching her temple a little bit, she stood up, walking toward the small kitchen again to put the plate down,

She suddenly felt a chill run down her vines, before she turned around- only to see the window open, the cool air going through her house,

Face plaming, she went to close it, before she felt a small thud from upstairs,
Her head whipped toward the sound, to see her bedroom door open,

'Who the fu-'
Another thud,
'Seems like they are not good with hiding theirselves,'
Gently slapping her head with her hands, she grabbed her closest object, a bat,

"Time to beat this- er- human being? Of course they are humans- ugh fuck.." Samantha smacked herself to stop, before she tip-toed toward her room,

She slowly peeked inside, to see a guy looking through her things,

He looked just about her age, with raven hair, or atleast thats what she could make out from behind,

He also seemed to be wearing a rather expensive clothes, but they looked..

'Old. Deffo not from this year.'

Her head boiled with rage to see the young man looking around, throwing her stuffs here and there with a huff,

'This bitch.' She glared at the figure, before she suddenly opened the door and smacked him in the head,

To Be Continued...

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