{Chapter Five}

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The young man sat around her bed as there was no other spot left to sit. He could have sit down at the floor, but it felt uncomfortable after some times.

Samantha still hasn't come back, but he could hear the small talks from downstairs, sometimes yelling and other times just talking.

Not like Edmund loved it, but he couldn't do anything, so he sat down with some of her books. It seemed like she had only one set of books, other then that, there were some more but he couldn't read them as he was new with the languages written in the covers.

The set of books took his interests. Walking toward them, he took out one.

'Harry Potter' was the name. He didn't know if he ever heard this name before, so he opened the book and started reading it with keen interest.

"Mom, it's delicious. I missed your cooking." Samantha chirped, taking another bite of her food,

The woman- better known as her mother, chuckled before replying with a small smile,
"You had them last week."

Ellie, not to be out of place, nodded with a soft laugh,
"You're getting old sis."

"Hey! I'm only 20. Thank you very much." The girl stated, glaring at her sister, taking another bite.

"20, yet still can't cook much!" Her sister yelled out, turning her face back toward the TV, where a show was playing.

"Enough! No more fight." Their mother said sternly, stomping her fists into the table, daring them to say anything.

Samantha- who was about to say something, piped down, gingerly looking back toward the TV screen.

"Why are we watching Narnia again?"

"Its what came- I'm sorry." Her sister exclaimed, not looking at her.

Their mother sighed,  before taking her plate to put it back into the sink,

The movie was okay- as Samantha knew, she also loved it. But there was something that caught her attention more than the movie..

'Is that..-'
Her eyes widened, before she stood up,

Ellie looked at her sister, titling her head,
"Are you okay sis-"

"I'm done, I'll be in my room, okay?"
And with that, she stormed off, leaving her sister and mother in a daze,

The young girl looked at her mother in wonder. She had never seen her sister acting like a mad-woman before. Which made her concern,
"What's with her?"

The woman sighed, shaking her own head,
"I don't know dear..we will leave in an hour okay?"

Ellie nodded again, her eyes darting back toward the screen, her mind still thinking about her sister, as she never left the movies halfway like that. Especially because she had a huge crush on the guys..

Edmund Pevensie. .

Edmund was half way through the book when the door opened with a loud 'thumb'- making him flinch before looking up.

"Oh you're ba-"

"You said your name is Edmund Pevensie right?" Samantha asked, crossing her arms into her chest. Her onyx eyes meeting his chocolate brown one with confusion and curiosity..

The young male thinking she had gone mad- (which she probably was) nodded, putting the book back down and standing up to face her again,

She looked like she could literally dig a hole and hide herself right there, as she watched him nod his head.
The embarrassment she felt was beyond her imagination..

"Oh my God.." putting a hand on her lips, she turned around to face away from the confused man, who eyed her the whole time. Beamused.

Just as she about to talk, the door of her room opened again, making the poor girl startled.

Edmunds hand turned into a fist, ready to strike again, only to sigh when he saw who it was.

Ellie. The woman's sister. She looked at her sisters freaked out figure, before rolling her eyes,
"Were you doing something?"

Samantha quickly composed herself. She eyed her sister as If she was the worst thing that happened to her,
"No. Why?"

The young girl blinked,
"We are leaving. Close the door." And with that, she went out, running down the stairs to meet with their mother again.

'Oh..' Samantha thought bitterly. She was used to staying alone, thanks to her moving out some months ago. But sometimes watching them walking away from her house, made her sad time to time. Her father never visited her, as he was always busy with his work. But she was okay with that. Not like they were in a good term anyways.

"I'll be right back."

Edmund sighed once again, feeling as if he was growing more older then he did in Narnia,
"You suit yourself. It's your house after all."


"So, why did you ask me about my name?" The young male asked, raising an eyebrow at her when she came back into her room and sat down,

"Because uh- how do I explain this.."

His eye twitched at her response- well, half.

She switched her position, taking her pillow and placing them in her arms with a small 'plop'.

Her being nervous, made Edmund question what exactly did she talk- or saw that she was getting really restless.

But even so, he wasn't stupid. He knew it was something related about him. Otherwise she wouldn't act such a way like this.

This time, he asked rather softly, as if trying Not to scare her off,
"What is it? Tell me."

Her breathe hitched when she heard his soft voice, it was quiet. As if a soothing lullaby..

His words made her encauraged, yet at the same time, she felt a weird sensation forming inside her stomach again. She could have thought it was Period(she does not like thinking that), if it wasn't for the fact that she was already in her's.

She knew the blush that might have formed on her cheeks won't be visible. Samantha was beautiful, tan woman with two pairs of mysterious black eyes, as if they held the whole universe in them. How can we forget glasses? She had them too, which she wasn't so keen of, but she didn't mind them. Atleast that's what she says to herself. Even tho as mysterious as it was, shining through them was the same small little girl who wanted nothing more then to hide in another reality. Where she won't be judged, but be loved by people for who she is.

Her feeling something inside her stomach, could be due to overwhelming embarrassment she felt. Or atleast that's what she wants to think..

She looked up to meet his eyes again, which watched her gently. Not a word being spoken even after some minutes passed by.

They kept staring at each other, as the time stopped around them, their eyes lost into each other, the only sound could be heard is the sound of their heartbeats. Edmund's eyes were much more mysterious up close, firm, yet- soft. The small child-ish self of his was evident there, hidden from the outside world. Samantha knew why she had feelings for him when she first watched the show, it was because how much he had changed. But it was in the second movie. Right now was..The King. Not the one she fell for, yet at the same time, she felt at peace.

Finally after a bit more minutes, Edmund looked away, coughing softly to hide the tension between them,
"Answer the question, damn it."

Samantha bite her lips, blinking her eyes rather fast before clearing her throat, the sensation she felt going away rather slowly. Although a thought kept repeating itself inside her head,
'Why. Why did I felt that way?..'

To Be Continued...

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