Chapter 6

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Harrys P.O.V

I can't take it anymore, its been 3 months since I started dating Taylor and I can't stand it anymore all she talks about are cloths and how fat she thinks she is, its exhausting having to tell her all the time how pretty and skinny she is. She is extremely pretty and skinny, she's a freakin twig.

"Harry do you think this shirt makes me look fat?"

"JESSUS TAYLOR!!!!" I yell in the cafeteria.

"What Harry?!?!?!?!?!?!?" She asks staring at me.

"YOU ARE SO ANNOYING!!!" At this point the whole cafeteria is silent.


"Taylor in the three months we've been together all the attention has been on us, I've gotten beat up by Louis Tomlinson more times than I can count, and I cut myself, have you even bothered to ask how I feel?!?!?!?"

"Harry I-"

"No don't Harry me, all you talk about is yourself, I can't take it anymore, I tried to block out the gay in me but you know what I'm not straight I like boys and I love one boy in particular," I said looking over at Louis.

"Louis Tomlinson is the only boy for me and if people can't learn to except the fact that I'm gay well go jump off a cliff because love is love, you can't just stop being something you are, I was born gay and I always will be gay, I'm sorry Taylor but I'm breaking up with you."

"Harry!" I hear someone yell as I'm crying, I turn around to see Louis standing there, He leans in and kisses me in front of everyone.

"Harry I love you too,"

"b-b-b-bu-but your straight, you have a girlfriend?"

"And your gay and had a girlfriend?" Louis says to me. I look over at Eleanor and she has a look of awe in her eyes.

"She knew you were gay and- WAIT NO!" I shout.

"What Harry?" He asks as I back away from him. I lift up my jumper sleeve.

"This is what you did to me! I can't trust you anymore!" I yell leaving the cafeteria crying running out of the school not caring if school was over. I just ran not caring about my car or the yelling Louis chasing me I just ran as fast as my legs would carry me.

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