jealous Narrator? 🪣

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Stanley thought about going on a romantic date with the bucket. But he couldn't ask the narrator to build a diner because then he would go on a rant about how going on a date with a bucket is outrageous! So he thought he could build himself a small little diner in the broom closet.

Stanley walked over to the broom closet with his bucket and closed the door behind him. This made the narrator furious and annoyed, obviously, but Stanley just ignored him and went on with building the small diner Stanleys making for his precious bucket! After Stanley got done with the diner, Stanley set the bucket down on a small little chair, and of course, Stanley sat across from the bucket on the ground.

"What are you doing?" The narrator asked, clearly confused.

"I'm going on a date with my bucket!" Stanley signed, "and we are gonna have a great time."

The narrator seemed baffled about this sudden information he was told, "What!? Are you going on a date with a bucket!? That ridiculous." The narrator crossed his arms.

"It is not! It's not my fault that you gave me the bucket." Stanley signed, finally looking away from the ceiling and down at his bucket.

Stanley could hear the narrator mutter to himself angrily things like: "Stupid.." "dumb bucket.." but Stanley didn't say a word.

The narrator muted his mic and looked at Stanley and the bucket. Why did it hurt so much that Stanley gave all his love to the bucket and not really any to the narrator? The way Stanley looks at the bucket, ..feels the bucket, and  talks to the bucket.

"Out of all the things in the world he chooses..the bucket!? The damn bucket!?" The narrator said to himself,
"I could have made another character for him to hang out wi-." The narrator stopped and thought for a moment.. Could he make a physical form for himself? Why couldn't he think of this sooner!

"Hah! I got it!" The narrator started making his physical form, "this and that.." he mumbled to himself, "there! All done." The narrator was obviously proud of himself and teleported himself down to the parable, "Stanley! I got a Suprise for you!"

The narrator finally got to the broom closet and opened the door.

"Wait this?" Stanley thought, looking at the narrator up and down.

"Why, I'm glad you asked Stanley, I made a human form. Although i don't know how it works," the narrator looked at his hands.

Stanley snickered and took a glance at the man once more. He seemed to have yellow glasses, a brown suit, gray-ish hair with yellow streaks in it, and some type of werid moniters in the back of him. Maybe he just wants to see the parable even if he's in his ..human form?

"Hey! Don't laugh. It's not polite." The narrator crossed his arms.

"Sorry, it'd just so hard not to giggle a bit." Stanley smiled.

The narrator looked away, "yea yea, I guess -.."

"Soo, why did you come down here anyways?" Stanley, thought.

"I just wanted to give this bucket a piece of my mind!!" The narrator suddenly picked up the bucket and threw it out into the hallway, "Now that is gone." The narrator sat across Stanley and spawn in a cup with coffee in it and sipped it.

Stanley looked at the narrator, a bit confused until he realized.

"...did you want to go on a date with me..?" Stanley thought as he smirked.

The narrator choked on his coffee, "What what!? I- no no no Stanley that is -..why would you even think of that!? That's outrageous!! Why would I want to go on a date with you! I mean, you're just a typical office worker who barely even has a personality in general! I mean..why would I date such a simple man - with a cute smile and such a c-, " the narrator stopped himself, "I didn't mean any of the words I said In the last sentence-.."

"Yea yea sure Narry." Stanley smiled.

They both sat there in silence while the narrator was trying to figure out what this warm, fuzzy feeling.

"Goddamn, these stupid human feelings are sofjdjjwdj," the narrator covered his face.

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Hey, hey guys!

This is so short. I'm so sorry😭

But if you guys have suggestions, make sure to comment them 🥰


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