Part 1

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House Reyne, before its destruction by Tywin Lannister, was one of the most powerful houses in the Westerlands. During the reign of Tywins' father, the Reynes prospered and practically stole money from the Lannisters. Eventually, this caught up with them, and Tywin demanded that they repay their debts. The reynes refused this, and after they were basically defeated, they retrated to their mines. Instead of accepting their surrender, Tywin sealed the mine and drowned the whole of house Reyne in them. That leads us to now, Addam Vickary, a member of house Vickary, a cadet branch of house Reyne. Ever since he was a young boy, Addam always was fascinated with his relatives, the Reynes, and always held a hatred toward the Lannisters for destroying the once great house.
His daydreaming is disrupted by his father, Ser Lymond, calling him. They must set off for Casterly Rock with their banner men and meet up with the Lannisters. The realm is in a state of chaos mostly caused by the stupid child that currently sits on the Iron throne. There are pretender kings everywhere, and they must come to the protection of the worst of them all. After many days of travel, they finally get to the main Lannister war camp. They are currently in the Riverlands who sided with Robb Stark, who calls himself king in the North. Although only holding a small land, Ser Lymond is a not so bad commander and is well respected by the Lannisters. Along Ser Lymond Addam is also quite respected, having competed in a few tournaments and placing quite well, especially for his age. The Lannister army was split into two hosts, one led by Tywin Lannister and another led by Jamie Lannister. The Vickarys were with Jamie's host. Their objective was to defeat the Riverlands. They had been making significant progress, and Addam had been making a name for himself as a warrior and a commander. They had been winning many battles and eventually started the siege of riverrun. However, the Starks had gathered their troops along with the Frey soldiers, and the lannister army wasn't safe for long. After Twyin decimated a Stark force at the battle of the Green Fork, Ser Jamie hears reports of troops near the Whispering Woods and sets off with a small part of his army This includes Ser Lymon and Addam. Unexpectedly, they run into Stark Troops, and as Addam gets his armor on, he thinks of this as a way to prove himself. But this battle would not be as easy as originally thought

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