Part 2

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The battle was horrific. All you could hear was cries of pain and men shouting. Addam, who was fighting right along with his men, was caked in mud and blood. The Starks had tricked Jamie, and the battle was almost over. Addam continued to swing his sword, refusing to give up before he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head. He woke up groggy with a sharp pain in the back of his head. He attempted to move his hands to feel the back of his head but soon realized they were tied to a pole behind his head. After a couple of minutes, his senses came back to him and realized he was in Riverrun. Soon enough, he recognized many of the men around him. Mostly Lannister bannermen, soon enough a Stark guard walks by, and Addam calls him over, "What do you want Westerlands scum?" Addam responded, "I can pay you to let me out of here. I can give you 200 gold dragons. " Of course, this was a lie, although not necessarily going through financial hardships house Vikary could definitely not afford that amount. The guard responded, "Shut your mouth prisoner." Feeling dejected after his unsuccessful attempt at escape. Addam decided not to waste energy and keep his mouth closed. Hell, this is what the past year or however long he has been stuck in this hell hole has been for Addam he is not well fed and is barely ever given a drink. Eventually, after this long period of time, the gates to their cells open shocked by this Addam sees   Lannister and Frey men inside the fort. As he leaves his cell, he asks one of the men what happened, "The Starks were killed along with most of the scum from the north and the riverlands. Killed at a wedding, the Freys rule the riverlands now." Addam reunited with is father and they set off towards Borrenline. After taking a couple of weeks to recover the father and son duo, head off to King's landing for Joffery and Margaery's wedding. After a long time of  traveling, they reach the magnificent city. While at the wedding, Addam's charm impresses many of the lords and ladies at the wedding. This event was amazing for Addam because it was his first time attending an event outside of the Westerlands. After the cutting of the pigeon pie, Joffery takes a sip of his wine and falls to the ground in a coughing, vomiting mess, and chaos ensues.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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