Chapter 1

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In the middle of a chilly summer night, two teenage boys walked home from their volleyball practice. The night was still and silent, with only the sound of crickets chirping and the occasional rustle of a breeze.

The boys felt the cold night air on their skin and saw their breath in the moonlight. The stars twinkled brightly and the sky was a deep navy blue, with wispy clouds floating gently across the horizon.

As usual, Yamaguchi talked to Tsukishima, but after a few minutes, the short male realized his friend wasn’t paying attention.

Yamaguchi kept talking, telling him about his day and how he was feeling, but Tsukishima wasn't responding. He noticed Tsukishima's gaze was fixed on the stars above, and he assumed his friend was just enjoying the night.

But as the silence dragged on, Yamaguchi began to feel a deep sadness. He realized that no matter how comfortable and intimate the conversation was, Tsukishima wasn't listening.

“Tsukki...Tsukki are you even listening to me?" Yamaguchi cried out to his friend but Tsukishima didn’t seem to notice.

‘Maybe he can’t hear me?’ Yamaguchi thought for a bit until he finally decided to speak. “Tsukki!” he said louder.

Tsukishima was filled with a surge of anger and frustration, and he snapped at Yamaguchi.

"Can you just shut up? I'm tired and I don't feel like talking right now!" He could feel the rage and hatred bubbling up inside him, and he knew he had to get away from Yamaguchi before it exploded.

Taken aback by the sudden outburst, he stopped talking and the two boys walked the rest of the way in a tense and uncomfortable silence.

Yamaguchi's heart felt like it broke into a million pieces. He wanted to say something, anything, to make the situation better, but the words wouldn't come out. The air was thick with bitterness, and he felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Finally, he mustered up the courage to say something, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry."

Tsukishima glanced at him, his face still filled with rage.
Tsukishima grabbed Yamaguchi by his arms and squeezed him hard. Yamaguchi winced in pain, but he could not move or make a sound. He could feel Tsukishima's anger radiating off him.

Tsukishima's grip on Yamaguchi tightened as his anger intensified and he yelled, "Why don't you just shut up?! I'd be a lot happier if you weren't here and I wouldn't have to listen to you!" Tears began to well up in Yamaguchi's eyes as Tsukishima's grip tightened even more, leaving angry bruises on his arms.

Yamaguchi was shocked and hurt by the sudden outburst, and he was too scared to speak. Tsukishima finally let go of Yamaguchi's arm and stepped away. Guilt quickly flooded his body.

He knew he had gone too far, and he could no longer handle his own emotions. He could feel tears forming in his eyes, and he quickly wiped them away. He couldn't face Yamaguchi yet, guilt and shame flooding his body.

He had never wanted to hurt his best friend, but anger was too much for him to control. He looked into Yamaguchi's eyes, filled with pain and hurt.

Tsukishima's voice shakes as he started to apologize. "I'm sorry, Yamaguchi. I never meant to hurt you. I was just so angry, and it all came out wrong." He looked away, embarrassed and ashamed of his outburst. "I'm sorry," he repeated, tears streaming down his face.

He wanted nothing more than to take back his words and make it all better. He was filled with guilt and regret, and he desperately needed Yamaguchi's forgiveness.

Yamaguchi shook his head and stepped away, his eyes cold and distant. "I don't want your apology," he said, his voice trembling with anger. "How could you do this to me?" You were supposed to be my best friend, but instead, you hurt me. You hurt me more than anyone else ever has." Yamaguchi felt a wave of sadness wash over him as he looked away, refusing to meet Tsukishima's gaze.

He had wanted to forgive Tsukishima and hug him, but the red marks on his arms reminded him of the pain Tsukishima had caused him.
He could not forget that.

"I’m done...have a good night Tsukishima” and with that, the shorter boy walked away.  Tsukishima's heart sank as he watched Yamaguchi.

He felt a deep sense of loss and emptiness wash over him as he realized that he had just lost the one person he cared about the most. He wished he could turn back time and undo the damage he had caused, but it was too late. He felt a wave of sadness and regret fill his chest, and he had to fight back tears.

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