Chapter 3

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14 years later.

Yamaguchi Tadashi- age 29

Tsukishima Kei- age 29


Tsukishima woke up in a pool of sweat breathing heavily as he looked around the room ‘Not again' since what happened with his best friend well ex-best friend now, his brain reminds him how badly he fucked up that horrible night. Every day Tsukishima thinks about what might have been had he not acted out of anger and regretfully pushed Yamaguchi away.

He wonders if Yamaguchi ever thinks of him and if he ever found someone who loves him the way Tsukishima does. He often wonders what it would be like to be forgiven by Yamaguchi. Maybe if he wasn't such an idiot back then, they would be together and hold hands, kiss, and cuddle

Yamaguchi always looked like the type to give someone a warm cuddle, or maybe even... Tsukishima blushed at the thought, but quickly shook it away. He knew that there was no way he and Yamaguchi would ever be together again and that he had to move on.

He looked at the clock and sighed, it was time to get ready for work. Tsukishima got out of bed and prepared for the day, pushing any thoughts of Yamaguchi aside. He then checked his phone.

The king and the second king send a message.

‘Ew’  Tsukishima thought out loud as he opened the message

King #2 (Hinata): Hello shittyshima! How did you sleep last night? I hope you slept well! Anyway, remember today we have a very important meeting so

make sure you come on time.

King(Kageyama): make sure you wear the outfit Yachi made for you because today’s photoshoot is going to be all about that theme.

Tsukishima: ok I'll be there in a few hours, also can’t I just wear my normal clothes and change once we start the photoshoot?

King(Kageyama): the people we are meeting with today asked us to come in with the clothes already on.

Tsukishima: WTF why?

Queen(Hinata): They want to make sure we can move in the clothes.

Tsukishima: Okay...whatever, bye.

Queen(Hinata): BYE

King(Kageyama): see ya

Tsukishima put his phone down and looked through his clothes to find the outfit Yachi had made for him. Once he found the outfit he decided to take a quick shower. As he showered, Tsukishima's thoughts wandered back to Yamaguchi. He remembered how close they had been and how much he had taken for granted.

He wished he could undo all the mistakes he had made and go back to the way things were. But he knew that was impossible. He had to move on and accept that he and Yamaguchi were no longer friends. Tsukishima turned the knob to the coldest setting, and the icy water hit his skin, cooling his racing thoughts.

He closed his eyes and let the water wash away his worries and doubts. He felt the tension in his body dissipate as the cold water ran over him, washing away his regrets and sadness. Tsukishima took a few more moments to clear his mind before shutting off the water and getting out of the shower.

As soon as he got out of the shower, he put on the outfit. Yachi had said she wanted to make the outfits fancy but at the same time casual, Tsukishima thought the outfit would look weird, but in the end, it was actually quite nice and comfortable when he looked in the mirror he felt a slight bit more confident in these clothes, he was wearing black pants, a white hoodie with a grayish long coat, and a pair of black shoes to finish the look, he stood there for a few more seconds then grabbed his keys and left

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