Chapter 2

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Tsukishima breathed heavily, his heart racing. He had been running forever, desperate to find Yamaguchi and apologize for his outburst.

He was relieved to finally see his friend and quickly closed the distance between them, calling his name. Yamaguchi heard his name and turned around, shocked to see Tsukishima's face inches away from his.

Tsukishima stopped short, realizing how close he was, and stepped back, embarrassed. He opened his mouth to speak, but words failed him.

He had been so angry earlier, and now he felt a mix of emotions—regret, guilt, sadness, and confusion—all swirling inside him.

He desperately wanted to apologize, to tell Yamaguchi how sorry he was, but the words wouldn't come. Instead, he stood there, tears streaming down his face. Yamaguchi looked at him and sighed. His expression was preventing sadness and disappointment.

He took a deep breath before speaking. "I know you're sorry, Tsukishima," he said softly.

"But it doesn't change the fact that you hurt me. I don't know if I can forgive you for that." Tsukishima grabbed onto Yamaguchi's arm and pleaded for his forgiveness.

"Please, Yamaguchi, listen to me," he said, his voice shaking with emotion. "I'm so sorry for what I did. I never meant to hurt you. I was angry, and it all came out wrong. Please forgive me. I can't bear to lose you."

Yamaguchi looked away, his eyes still filled with pain and anger. Tsukishima could feel his heart breaking as he waited for Yamaguchi's response.

He knew he had pushed too far, and he just wanted to make it right. “I told you to save it. I don’t want your apologies.

Now let me go Tsukishima,” Yamaguchi said with anger and sadness in his eyes.

“No, Yamaguchi please-”

“Tsukishima let go”

“No, please”

“ Let. Go.”

“ Yamaguchi, please-"

Tsukishima stepped back, tears streaming down his face. He felt pain, guilt, and fear all at once. He knew he had gone too far and watched as Yamaguchi's expression changed from sadness and disappointment to anger and fear.

Then without warning, Yamaguchi slapped him across the face with his free hand. In a fearful voice, he said "I told you to let go... I don't want you to hurt me again." Both of them stood there in shock, unsure of what to do next.

Tsukishima knew he had to be the one to break the silence and make the first move. He looked into Yamaguchi's eyes and let go. Tsukishima watched as Yamaguchi walked away, tears streaming down his face.

He had pushed Yamaguchi too far and now he had to face the consequences. Suddenly, Yamaguchi stopped and turned around.

Tsukishima was surprised to hear him say "I'm sorry for slapping you." Without waiting for a response, Yamaguchi continued his walk home. Tsukishima watched as he disappeared into the night, knowing that after tonight Yamaguchi would never want to see him again.

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