The Setup

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Jamal had been working for Raj long enough that he had started to become complacent. The money was good, and he was surviving, but he knew that he was in over his head. And just when he thought his situation couldn't get any worse, he found himself walking straight into a trap set up by one of Raj's rivals.

It was supposed to be a simple transport job, nothing more than dropping off copies of some paperwork to the office of a wealthy businessman in the outskirts of town. But as soon as Jamal entered the office, he knew he was in trouble. Two men were waiting for him, and they didn't have the friendliest of intentions.

Before Jamal could say a word, one of the men pulled out a gun and pointed it directly at him. "Drop the bag and step away slowly," the man ordered.

Jamal knew he was in trouble. He had been set up, and he had walked right into the trap. He had no choice but to comply, dropping the bag and backing away slowly, palms raised in surrender.

As soon as he dropped the bag, the men grabbed it and ran out of the building. Jamal knew that the bag contained important information from Raj's operations, but he could do nothing to stop it from being taken.

Frustrated and angry, Jamal went back to Raj's club with the bad news, only to be met with indifference. Raj had no sympathy for Jamal, and as far as he was concerned, it was a case of bad luck.

But Jamal knew better; he suspected that one of Raj's crew members had set him up, and he was out for revenge.

He spent days and nights gathering information, trying to find the one who had betrayed him. Finally, but much too late, Jamal realized the heartbreaking truth - that Raj himself had orchestrated the setup. He couldn't understand why Raj would do such a thing considering he had been loyal and dedicated to him for months.

Devastated, Jamal knew that he needed to get out, and fast. He also knew that he couldn't do it alone; he needed help to make it out alive.

With some research, Jamal found Marwan, an old friend from his past and now a high-ranking member in a rival gang. Jamal didn't care who hated who, as long as he could find a way out. He arranged a meeting with Marwan, laying low, not wanting any of Raj's people to find out.

At the meeting, Jamal laid out his request, begging for Marwan's help. It didn't take much convincing for Marwan to agree. He didn't like Raj anyway and was happy to help Jamal out of fear that Raj would come after him next.

Together they make a plan, but as they were leaving, Marwan did give Jamal a warning, "Don't ever trust fully in this business, man. One day you might be friends, the next you could be gunning for each other. Be careful."

Although he appreciated the warning from Marwan, Jamal couldn't help but wonder if it was too late for him. He had already lost so much, and now everything he held dear was on the line. He didn't know what his next move was going to be, but he knew he had to do something, or he was going to end up dead.

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