Spicy Shenanigans (Brian x Al)

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Brian wasn't quite sure how this had happened.

They had just been sipping on some champagne not too long ago, and now his cock was halfway down Al's throat. God, of course it felt amazing, but he was more concerned as to how the hell he'd gotten Al to agree to this? He wanted to know what events led up to this moment, like how the fuck he asked Al to do this? Brian was probably one of, if not the shiest member of the band and could barely even ask out a girl, so how'd he manage this?

Maybe... maybe it wasn't Al. Maybe it was just some desperate chick who'd weaseled her way in and went at it. He knew that wasnt true, the lanky figure and absence of curves made that very clear. The only short blonde, the only person as a matter of fact, who had been in there with him that night was-

He felt a pull in his gut.

"Shit..." the word fell past his lips without him thinking as a hand subconsciously moved down and tangled into that scruffy blonde hair.

Maybe he should try not to overthink it. He knew exactly who was down there, no use in pretending its not him. He should just try and enjoy the moment for now, after all, it's not every day you get a first class blowjob from your bandmate.

Looking down, Brian took note of Al's sharp cheekbones jutting out as he hollowed his cheeks and sucked harder.

Each long pull of the boy's mouth combined with the absolutely filthy things he did with his tongue carried Brian higher and higher til he was teetering on that very edge.

"Gonna come-" Brian choked out as to try and warn Al beforehand. Al brought a hand around and held the base, stroking him fast as he pulled off and fixated those baby blue eyes right on Brian's, staring at him with slightly dialated pupils and a look of raging lust. When his tongue darted out to lick his lips, that's what did it for Brian. He arched his back and let out a loud, guttoral moan as his orgasm was ripped from him, the euphoric tingles blooming outward from the base of his spine as he came all over Al's fist. The same fist that continued to jerk him over and over, milking every last drop from his cock.

He spurted a few more times before Al finally pulled his hand away.

Brian was utterly spent, slouching back in the armchair with a deep sigh.

The younger leaned back down and took his softening member into his mouth, licking off all the salty slick and lazily massaging the area with his lips until Brian was too sensitive to go on.

"How was that, Bri?" A voice that was most definitely Al's asked from the floor as he tucked the older back into his jeans and zipped them up. Brian, feeling the wave of drowsiness wash over him, merely nodded and mumbled, " S'good. "

"I'll say," Al chuckled, rising from his knees up to Brian's face, "Really wiped you out, didn't I?"

"Mhm," The older hummed in agreement.
Al leaned forward and kissed him softly, running his thumb along Brian's cheek, and for a moment Brian swore he could taste traces of his own cum off of the other's lips, before Al pulled away slowly and rose to his feet.

"Get some rest, Bri." He said, patting Brian's cheek affectionately and walking towards the door, "I'll see you in the morning. "

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