Chapter 14 Demigod

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Surbhi—Why is Ansh so angry and upset, did something happen?

Jan Shin—We found a sword that is like Veer's hammer at the Auction house, but we lost the bid to someone else.

Veer—Old man it is called Eleons, we named it by merging elements and weapons how is it?

Ansh—It is good but what should we do about the weapon ... I mean eleons, someone else took it.

Surbhi—Ansh if someone else took it, doesn't it mean that a demigod took it?

Ansh—Yes, I know but what if someone with a bad motive took it, if someone misused it, innocent lives will be gone.

Jan Shin—Ansh, I believe you are overthinking about it just leave it to time, we will handle it if something goes wrong.

Surbhi—I have some news, while you guys were gone, I checked the demigods' lists and saw a familiar name 'Monami Udayar'. She is my college friend and I called her, she agreed to meet me.

Ansh—I remember about the list that Karan I mean he is also on the list, where did you say you guys were meeting?

Surbhi—At your café.

Jan Shin—By Karan you mean Karan Yadhavar, son of Anirudh Yadhavar.

Ansh—yes, let me call him.

(Ansh called Karan)

Karan—Ansh what happened?

Ansh—Hello! Well, I wanted to talk to you about something, will you be free tomorrow evening?

Karan—yes, I think so, you text me the time and place I will be there.

Ansh—oh great and thank you.

Surbhi—So is he coming?

Ansh—Yes but how to tell them things like you didn't believe me at first?

Veer—Don't worry I will make sure that they will understand even if we must go the hard way.

Ansh & Surbhi— (both together) NO!!

GAME ONNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ