Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I have known my sister as if she was my twin. Like we were both at my mother's womb at the same time. But we weren't because she's two years older than me. I know her so much that I can tell when she's lying or when she's trying to do something that she really doesn't want to. So, when they told me that she ran off, I didn't believe them. I know she's not just out there with her supposed lover... my mind tells me that somehow there is something off about her disappearance.

I've spent months trying to figure out what happened to my sister Eleanor, but now that I know what had happened to her, I never thought that I too could end up like her... missing and dead. I was always terrified of dying. What bothers me is the uncertainty of what would happen next. Do I just get eaten by worms underground? Is my soul going to roam around? Will I be reincarnated? Or do I just poof and vanish?

The bright shine of the moonlight is the only thing that serves as my light. The cold breeze of the night gives me shiver which doesn't help me in any way. I am hardly catching my breath as I try to outrun what's after me. I don't dare to look back. The small branches of the trees and tall bushes whip me as I pass through them. I could feel the small cuts and scratches that it leaves my face but mostly my arms which I put over my head as sort of protection from getting any severe injuries that I could get, like, possibly going blind if one of those branches hit me in the eye.

I ran into the woods thinking it was great idea, that maybe I could lose what's after me if I go over the maze like forest at a very dark night, but the opposite happened as I find myself being the one who's lost as what's hunting me seems to be very familiar with every inch of the forest.

My rapid breathing starts to be very audible to me, like I'm breathing from my ear. I'm exhausted from running, and I could collapse at any moment, but my will to live is what keeps me going. I couldn't end up like Eleanor. I will survive. I have to survive. I have to live and tell the rest of the world what had happened to her. I will bring her the justice she never received.

My clothes are drenched in my own sweat; I look like an animal that's fallen in the water while trying to drink from it. I'm sweating bullets but I have to keep on running as long as there are tracks to run to, but my exhaustion is beating me. I scanned my surrounding to try and find a hiding spot in hopes of having an opportunity to catch my breath even for just a minute. I swing my head left and right, but there is nothing but trees and bushes that are not even big enough to hide me.

Seconds felt like hours. I'm still running but this time he's not really catching up. Is he running out of breath too? Is he as equally worn out as I am? I experienced a glimmer of hope. He won't be able to catch me now if he's as exhausted as I am. I just need to hide and rest, and then I'll be good.

I ran a little more and when I heard no rushing footsteps behind me, I halted my stride. He's likely still out there but maybe catching up his own breath or even taking a break. Nonetheless, I'm taking advantage of this time to take a break and get some air.

My hands are resting on my knees as I try to catch up to my rapid breathing. I once again scanned the place trying to plan where to go to next. I have no idea where to go to and I honestly can't see that clearly, not at this time of night. It's too dark for my eyes but even a with a little night blindness I pull myself together and took two steps forward, which made me fall on my stomach. I've been running so much that my legs are trembling. Not now... I have to at least walk to find a safe place somewhere here. I reminded myself.

I make an effort to lift myself; I can do this.

To be able to lift myself up, I formed my palms into a fist and put all of my remaining power in there and do my best to stand right back up. I'm covered in dirt and dried leaves that have fallen from the trees. I am now deep in the forest. The moonlight that acts as my light source is nearly completely hidden by the trees.

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