Chapter 23: Grace's P.O.V

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I'm leaving to go to Misha's house in less than an hour. Angie and Sophia are FaceTiming me, freaking out that I'm going to hang out with Jared and Jensen. As I talk to them, I grab an outfit. Black skinny jeans with a plaid cardigan. Then, I put on some makeup, which I rarely do, and leave my hair down. I decided to wear my glasses. "How do I look?" I ask. "Eh, better than Metatron I guess." Sophia says. "Shut up." I reply playfully. "Alright guys, gotta go." I say. They say bye and I shut my laptop. I walk down the stairs, and say bye to my mom. "See you later mom. Going to Misha's house for a while." I say, waving goodbye. "Bye!" she replies, smiling. Probably glad I'm out of my room for once.
I get in my car and drive to his house, overly excited that I get to see Jensen and Jared. As I pull in, I fix my hair and try to calm down. I open the door and spot Misha. "Hey Misha!" I say giving him a hug. "Glad you came." he replies, smiling. He grabs my hand and we walk into the living room where I see Jared, his wife, and two sons. Then, I see Jensen with his wife and daughter. Jensen walks up to me and I hug him. Then I hug Jared, remembering how damn tall he is. Genevieve and Daneel greet me. I must look really ugly compared to them. I see their children, and they're the most adorable things in the world. We sit down on the wrap around couch and eat pizza. Misha comes out with a can of coke and hands it to me. It says "Share a Coke with your sweetheart." I giggle and kiss his cheek. I notice everyone is standing in the other side of the room, must have been to busy eating. I walk over and stand next to Daneel, who is holding JJ.They are discussing movies. "Do you want to hold her? Daneel asks. Yeah, sure!" I reply. She gently sets the one year old child in my arms. JJ smiles, which makes my heart meld. She's so cute. Jensen walks over to me and stands right next to me, smiling. She grabs JJ's little hand and holds it for a little. Then, Misha walks over and wraps his arm around me, kissing my cheek. I hand the baby to Daneel, guessing she wants her back. After about another hour, everyone heads out, and I am the last one there. We sit down on the couch and I lay down, resting my head on Misha's lap. He starts playing with my hair, which makes me giggle. I check the time, it's 9:30. "Sorry Misha, gotta go." I say, sitting up. I hug him and he says, "Bye Gracie. But before you go, I was thinking we could go out, like on a date, in the Summer?" he asks. "I'd love that." I reply, smiling. I stand up and we share on more hug. I get in my car, thinking about how lucky I am to be with him.

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