Chapter 70: (Misha's POV)

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I wake up early the next morning from the delicious scent of blueberry pancakes. I sluggishly get out of the bed and walk into the kitchen to see Jensen, his wife Danneel, and his daughter Justice. I know right away that he already told Danneel what happened because she gives me a sad smile.

"Misha!!" Justice yells and jumps on my leg. For a two year old she's pretty hyper.

"Hey Justice!" I answer in a high-pitched voice and pick her up. She giggles as I spin her around. Man, I want a kid so bad.

"Mornin' Mish." Jensen greets me ruffling my hair.

"Good morning Jensen..Danneel." I reply, giving Danneel a hug since I haven't seen her in a while. I take seat at the kitchen table and thank them for making breakfast. I feel bad for barging in on their vacation.

My phone buzzes and I turn it on only to see multiple texts from Grace.

One text reads, "Misha I'm so sorry. I love you. Kissing Jared was a mistake, I'll have to explain to you later. You have to come back to my house. It's an emergency!"

Looks like I have to leave. I show Jensen the texts and we both agree to go back together. Jensen says bye to his wife and daughter and we head out. I wonder what the
emergency is.

Jensen drives while I take off my oxygen tank/cannula. I'm still not ready to tell Grace about my lung cancer.

We arrive at her house about a half hour later and run in the already open door. We find her at the kitchen table with red, puffy eyes. She's reading a note.

"Misha!" She runs and hugs me. Even though I'm mad, I manage to hug her back.

"Misha, Jensen...listen up. Whenever you drove away, Mish, I drove after you but then came back when I couldn't figure out where you went. But when I came back, Jared was gone. He left this paper, I think it's a suicide note." She explains, and my heart drops.

I take the paper from her hand and it reads;

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. It's all my fault you and Misha are fighting. He probably hates me now. It hurts because because he's one of my closest friends. You and Jensen, too. I'm writing to tell you I don't want to live. I hate myself. I'm never happy. My wife and I aren't getting along. I give up on life. I'm so sorry. Goodbye."

Why would he kill himself? He knows how much Jensen, Grace, and I care about him. I'm not even mad anymore, we just have to find him.

"We have to look all over California. He couldn't have gone too far." Jensen tells us.

We grab a map and jump into Grace's jeep. Jensen agrees to drive while Grace and I look for possible places where Jared could be. I'm just glad things aren't too awkward between me and her. First, we'll be driving through Los Angeles, then Sacramento, and lastly San Francisco.

Jensen drives the jeep through a backroad and we notice police cars. He drives past the scene, well at least that's what it looks like. I roll my window down and take a closer look.

"Jensen, pull over. Now." I urge, starting to think that those police and medics could be their for Jared. I feel a knot in my stomach and my eyes water. This is serious,
what if Jared actually killed himself.

As we park somewhere along the side of the road, the three of us instantly jump out of the jeep and run to the police.

"What happened??!" We ask a nearby officer.

"Some guy hung himself. He looks real young. What a shame." the man replies sadly.

"Do you know who it is?" Jensen asks, his face pale. We all were thinking the same thing.

"We took a look at his wallet. His drivers license said Jared Padalecki." he told us.

"NO, NO!" Grace falls to the ground screaming and crying. I attempt to comfort her, but I can barely calm down myself.

The three of us hold each other, our sobs filling the street with noise. Nothing could ever hurt more than this. Jared was our best friend. We loved him, we still do.

But now he's gone.

Don't kill me!! I cried while writing this to be honest. Sometimes writers have to make sacrifices, sorry. (I'm satan oops) But don't worry there will be a chapter dedicated to Jared in the near future. Thank you for reading! Also, don't forget to leave feedback and ideas! :)

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