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A/N: Hii so this is a kinda random idea I can up with. Tim is attempting to prepare for a yearly Sargent exam, but one problem approaches when he realizes how much reading is involved, and for Tim who has a pretty bad dyslexia, but because of his father abuse he ends up to embarrassed to tell Lucy who helped him pass the last one, but isn't fully aware of the severity of his dyslexia. Until she begins to notice.  Trigger warning for mentions of abuse. Enjoy loves >3


Tim stood next to Gray in role call, going over their daily schedule which included debriefing the team. Gray usually did most of the the talking as the watch commander, plus Tim found his eyes stuck on second row on the left, where officer Chen and Nolan sat, but his eyes were particularly stuck on his girlfriend who'd done her hair slightly different today, and he of course noticed. That's when Gray made the announcement, that he'd completely forgot about. "As you know, the Sargent exams are coming up. We will be reviewing you, and reviewing ourselves. Me and Sargent Bradford will be reviewing all all the material, and we ask that you all review us. That's all. Ride safe." Gray told them, before they all began leaving the room, and that's what Tim realized he'd have to reread the whole new print of the codes, and Sargent manual, and this brought him extreme anxiety knowing there was never audio books, and reading itself was hard enough, adding that with the pressure of an exam he knew it'd be extremely difficult. God he hated this.

As the day went on Tim found himself worrying about the exam more and more as the day went on, he felt more and more like he did during high school and he hated it. He tried to think positively, but that was never his strong suit. What was the worst that could happen? He wouldn't get demoted if he failed it, but what if he did? Then the whole station would know that their Sargent could barely read. It was after lunch when he actually got time to take a look at the book, and it was horrible. He flipped through it, trying to read over it, but every couple minutes he'd read a sentence backwards, or get stuck on a word and it would completely throw him off, and he hadn't even gotten through the first chapter. How the hell was he supposed to do this? He sighed, and slammed the book shut completely frustrated by his lack of ability to read it. "You're an idiot boy, how the hell aren't you able to read that? You must be stupid." His father's words echoed in his mind, and truth be told he didn't disagree because he felt stupid nonetheless, even though his girlfriend would argue the fact that he had a learning disability, and couldn't help it, and he wasn't stupid, he wasn't sure he necessarily believed it.

And of course, just as he slammed the book shut, Lucy came walking through the door. Which reminded him, she didn't realize the extent of his dyslexia, last time she recorded the audio book which helped him beyond words, she did it just to help him out knowing he was struggling. Maybe he should just go ahead and ask for her help? He knew fully that she would go above and beyond to help like always, but again that was Lucy. Upon the thought a rush of embarrassment came over him, how was a woman as intelligent as her dating someone like him? Someone who barely graduated high school because he couldn't pass any of his tests, someone who had to have her take up her personal time despite the long hours she worked to record that audiobook just to pass his exams to began with, he couldn't ask her, she was exhausted. She's been working countless hours, and then going home and studying to become a detective on top of that, he couldn't ask her to take up more of her time to help him, just because he couldn't comprehend how to not read sentences backwards.

Lucy could tell something was off with Tim today, he was stressed. Though the job in itself was stressful, today she knew was more stressful for him due to the reviews, and upcoming exams, Tim hated exams. She knew fully that he had a hard time, when she was a rookie he had her read his books to him, and his excuse back then was she needed to learn the stuff too, but in reality Lucy could see tell he genuinely had a hard time. Of course she knew all about learning disabilities having a psychologically degree, and having helped tutor students with them in high school, so she quickly recognized the fact that Tim had one himself. Isabel had told her that Tim wasn't able to process information unless he heard it, but Lucy guessed that may have been not just because his learning type, but also possibly dyslexia. So once she was finally done reviewing Gray's performance as watch commander to him, she went to see Tim, hoping maybe she could help him.

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