My Mysteryous Stalker

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*Hm.. Its such a cold nigh here!* I woke up to the sound of my door opening. *Mom*? I thought. No, she wasn't home yet.. Oh no. What if its a killer? I checked the clock, and it was 2 AM..
I turned around, now i was facing the wall..
I was too scared to look. That's when i heard a person walk in little, careful steps.. I thought : now, i am gonna get killed.
The person kept moving to me, until i felt their strong legs pressed against my body. I was scared to death.
The person bend down to me, and he got really close to my ears. He whispered:
- Hey.. My name is Matthew Herizon.. You don't know me yet do you..
I was so scared, but at the same time, i felt conforted.. Because his voice was so calming..
- I won't kill you, don't worry.. I'll come back tomorrow..
And then, he left.
I was too stunned about everything...

When I woke up, i instantly went to my computer, and I searched: Matthew Herizon.
I found a facebook page. I clicked with fear and couriousity. When i looked at the bio, i was shaking.
There was nothing in the page, only the bio, which said: ''Hi Jane.. Are you here? I knew it, you curious person.''
I was mad! For sure..

At night

At night, i heard him come again.. This time i wasn't that scared, like last time. I wanted to call the police, but i wanted more information about the stalker, before calling them.
-Hey Sweetheart.. - said,,Matthew'' gently. He placed his hand on my head and he bent down again. This time he looked at my face. My eyes were closed, pretending to sleep.
- I know you' re not sleeping.
I opened my eyes, only to find a masked face staring at me.
- Who.. Are you..? - i said with fear.
- You'll know.. And he smirked. Then he left again.
- I am gonna call the police! - i yelled after him.
He came back. He sat down at my bed. And he looked into my eyes. He had beautiful blue eyes. I got butterflies, his were so pretty..
- Why would you do that, Jane?
- Be.. Becaus this is a.. Crime.. Isn't it? - i asked.
- He winked, and left. I fell asleep.
My mother came home at 10 AM. I wanted to tell her everything, but i hesitated. What if i like him..? Oh no! What am i gonna tell my kids? I met your father because he stalked me? No.. I needed to tell my mother. I went to her, and i told everything to her. She looked so scared. She called the police, and i told them his name. I felt better. Still, my Mother told me to sleep in her room, and she'll stay awake, to be sure, no one stalks me. At night, i couldn't sleep much. I was scared, that the psycho was gonna kill my mom. Luckily, he didn't came that night.
I woke up to a sunny day. I packed my school bag, and got dressed. I went downstairs where my mom was already waiting for me to give me my breakfast, which was avocado toast. I ate it. It was so good, and i already felt better. I went to school, and i saw a boy, laughing and talking with his friends. I looked away, but in that moment i looked back, and i saw the same beautiful blue eyes, as my stalker had. I looked stunned for a moment, then i put my bag in the locker and i ran to him. I pulled him away where no one could see us.
- What the hell? What do you want pretty girl? - he said with a confused face.
- Dont play the dumb, you freak! - and with that, i punched him - You freaking stalker! You stalked me! How are you not arrested yet?! - i yelled with a raging mad face.
- Ah! Youre crazy! What the hell, bro?! I ain't stalking anyone! What do you think? I'm failing my classes because I stalk people, or because i just simply don't care?! - he said.
- Well-...well...Fine i'm sorry! Your eyes just.. Looked like the boy who was stalking me! I'm sorry.. - i said and I let him go.
- Somebody is stalking you? Why the heck didn't you call the police? - he asked weirdly.
- I already did. They didn't say anything. Yet.. What's your name..?
- My name is Alex. Yours, pretty girl? - he asked while smiling.
- Jane. And once again, i am sorry. I am paranoid..
- I see.. Hah.. Let me introduce you to the guys.
- Yeah right! There's no way i'm going there! - I said laughing.
- Okay! You don't have to.. But let's meet after school! Cup of Love? 4 pm?
- Alright, alright, friendly boy..Then..I guess.. See ya after school! - i smiled and went to class.

My Mysteryous Stalker Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ