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__As the night ended the next day___

The four of them sat in the carriage on one side cage and Taylor and the other cale and caleis sat there along with On and hong

Taylor spoke up with a smile as he looked at the two "Young master Cale, caleis, Do you know anything about this royal event?" He asked as Cale soon answered "This is our first time going to the palace. I have only been to a Northeastern nobles meeting a few years ago."

Taylor nodded as he spoke again "I see. The event this time is to celebrate the 50th birthday of his royal highness our current king, So it is an entertaining festival for the citizens....sounds like it is not a festival for Young master Cale?" He said with a smile on his face while cale got in his thought.

Caleis looked in surprise "Ah so it won't be that enjoyable" he asked with surprise as Taylor let out a small laugh as he shook his head "maybe it won't be that case?" He said with a light shrug as Cale thought to himself in the meantime about the event that would unfold he sighed as he heard the two speak.

Caleis looked over to cage questioning more about the festival as Cale and Taylor watched with smiles before cale turned to taylor "This doesn't seem like a festival for you either Young master Taylor" he said leaning back on the wall.

"...I am considering it to be my last obstacle before I can celebrate'.. Young master Cale" he called out afterwards as Cale nodded "yes." Taylor interlocked his hands as he seriously looked over at Cale "be careful of his highness, the crown prince" he said seriously

"Although I may have been pushed aside, I still have ways of getting information in the marquess estate, although this 50 year birthday celebration for the king was planned from the beginning. The act of calling all of the nobles togther was something that the crown prince suggested.... I am not sure how I should describe the crown prince to you.." he said thinking over the last statement before he head Cale speak.

"He is someone with a glib tongue" Cale said as Taylor sparkled "Ah that's right!" He said before he realized what he had said "Err, I mean.." he said before he sighed "You are right, you already know about it"  Cale spoke afterwards"Isn't it information anybody who is interested can find out."

H said not as a question but more like a statement as Taylor nodded "of course but this is the first time I head anyone be so blunt about it like you, Young master Cale" Cale thought about the crown prince on there way and how he had used people by it.

"Cale..! Cale we should go around the places after we arrive to the capital exploring!" Caleis said with excitement as he tugged onto Cale while the two On and hongs eyes sparkled as the trio looked at him with awaiting his response eagerly.

Cale sighed before he smiled "yes... We will explore when we get there" he said as he let out a hand patting caleis head cage looked at the scene and couldn't help let out a smile "Ohh Young master Cale looks like sweet caleis got you around his finger" she said with a teasing tone as cale looked surprised and his face slightly got red as he denied.

___The rest of the way went in laughter's arguing with each other..____

As they arrived to there destination caleis let out a smile as he looked out as he others followed soon after looking out.

"The capital really is different." Cale said as he looked out caleis nodded "I can't wait to look around!" He said with a wide smile Taylor looked out as he spoke

"Roan kingdom is the kingdom of boulders, if you look through the ancient stories, there are many stories even before the roan kingdom came into existence. That was why it was called the land of Boulders, one of them says that this land had a Boulder-like guardian it was a guardian that could protect everything from any kind of attack, when darkness descended on the continent, this guardian was the one to stand in the front against it." As taylor finished everyone looked at him as cage spoke "Taylor, you seem to like that story?" Taylor nods "yes I do."

Taylor speaks up again "The guardian is said to have stood firmly in place, like a boulder, even after everything in his body became broken, that was how he was able to protect land of the northwestern area, that is covered in Boulders,Such an existence of can't survive in the present day. That is why I like this myth so much." Taylor said as he looked at cage "But you don't seem to believe it?" She asked him

Taylor nodded "It is very rare to see someone injure himself so severely to protect something" Cale looked over "I agree." He said as he looked out caleis looked at them "I would do that for Cale cause he's my best friend..!" He said with a wide smile.

Cale looked surprised as a red hue formed on his face as he looked outside feeling embarrassed after a while he spoke "take this..." He said after while handing something to Taylor "Get ready."

As a voice called from outside the carriage "Young master, the capitals guard wishes to verify the occupants." It spoke as Cale kicked opening the door while holding a bottle of alcohol moving outside as he looked at the guards "Go ahead." He said as he went outside leaning on the pole as they checked..

"Everything looks fine,Welcome to the capital" the two guards said as they bowed Cale went inside he sat down as the carriage continued on its way "They are welcoming you to the capital?" Cale said as Taylor smiles "It has been awhile since I have been welcomed."

__The west side of the capital huiss__

"Young master Taylor, Ron will take care of you once we arrive at the residence. You just need to head out that way and Forget everything" Cale said after awhile "young master we have arrived." Hans called out as the two went out along with the on and hong following behind "Bye..!" Caleis said with a smile as cage and Taylor looked out saying there goodbyes and thanks

"We are finally going to get some rest..!" Caleis said with a smile as he looked at the place "yes, and it's even better than I expected" he said looking up as well it wasn't fancy or shiny but it was definitely looked more expensive than the nearby noble residence

To be continued...
Well hope ya enjoyed I am working on your ideas since this was already done bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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