The Confession part 2

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(This is how you guys are)"I mean I have complicated feelings for you too" he says slightly smiles and tilting his head

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(This is how you guys are)
"I mean I have complicated feelings for you too" he says slightly smiles and tilting his head. "Oh" you say looking at him. You guys stand there and you do the triangle method (if you don't know what that means it mean you look at one eye then their lips then the other eye and back at the 1st eye)
"I-" you say. *He kisses you and your eyes are wide and you face is red*. You pull away looking at him confused,surprised, nervous. "What was that for?" You say covering you mouth. "Oh sorry I thought was the right time I am sorry" he apologizes standing there scratching his neck then continues to turn to walk away . "I- ." you feel bad so you hug him from behind. "Huh.!" He says hold his arms up turning his head to look at you. "It was the right time." You say slightly smiling. He removes your arms and turns and looks at you as he towers you. "I am glad I meet you.." he says holding your hands smiling. "I am glad too" you say smiling looking into his eyes. You continue to grab his face and bring him to a kiss. "I've liked you a lot since being a fan and actually getting you meet you and it all was amazing." You say breaking from the kiss. "Same I found interest in you before you even had sent that text". He says. "Wait huh you why didn't I know? Well I know but still" you say as you laugh looking at him confused. "Well let's just say you caught my eye when I found you alt. account on insta and TikTok" he says slightly laughing. "Oh? Well what caught you eye?" You say smirking and tilting your head. "You." He says tilting his head towards you with a serious face. "Me?" You say kinda confused. "Yes you, you acted like yourself and didn't change for others or to be famous." He says. "Yah I guess that's only because I remembered the quote you quoted it kinda inspired me." You says awkwardly laughing. "Oh the only why Kurt Cobain.!" He realizes. "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not" you both say in sync. You both laugh before getting interrupted by Jenna. "Hey lovebirds, we are going to order food you guys want something?" She asks. "Oh uhm yah sure where are we ordering?" he asks. "Yah where we ordering from?" you agree as you ask.  "Oh uhm I think Chic fil a Mason and Jas are feeling fast food I guess and it seems that everyone is off the rest of the day apparently." Jenna replies. "Oh ok you guys can go I need some time to breathe anyway." You suggest. "You sure?" Jack asks in concern. "Yah it's fine." You faintly chuckle. "Ok then" you replies walking off with Jenna back into the living room but before they leave you see Jenna turn back a look at you with a slight smile. "What the fuck just happened" you mumbled going to close the door. "Wait" you think for a bit still continuing to close the door and lock it. "Omg he's liked me for that long.!" You say with excitement flopping onto the bed face plant screaming into a pillow. "I- this has to be a dream." You say looking at the ceiling while holding the pillow. You continue to get up and go over to the window to where the was a little balcony and climb on to the windowsill and sat. "It's so nice out hear and the stars at bright tonight" you say taking a deep breathe. *KNOCK KNOCK* "Hey shortie whatcha getting from Chic fil a?" Jasmine asks from the other side of the door. "Oh uhm one moment" you say hurrying while closing the window and unlocking to door to open it to Jasmine looking a bit impatient. "I am so hungry man you don't even know" she says slouching herself onto you. "Ok ok ok just get me (wtv you want from there)" you say pushing her back up and holding onto her shoulders. "Ok now it's ordered" Jenna replies. "Woo, yes" Mason says making a fist and pulling it downward. "Hey uhm Y/N are you alright after what happened in the bathroom" Jack says pulling you aside. "Oh uhm yah I am fine why?" You say smiling while raising an eyebrow. "Oh I- uhm I didn't know if I made you uncomfortable in anyway?" He says staring down at you concerned.  "Oh uhm yea no your fine I am fine" you say stubbing your words as you make eye contact with him. "Ok I was just making sure" he says as he smiles faintly. "We can talk about the situation later" you say faintly smiling while breaking the eye contact. "Oh yah ok sure" he stubbles to say as he gets a little red.  *Awhile later eat and everyone knows there is a tension between you two.  "What's up with you two?" Jasmine asks. "Oh uhm nothing something  just happened awhile ago". You explain. "Oh?" Mason and Jasmine say while both looking at each other with a chuckling smirk. "Oh? OH! NO, no nothing like that happened I promise and fact you would know if so" you try to explain stumbling on your words. "Mk" Jenna says raising her eyes as she makes a sarcastic face.  You look over at Jack looking flustered/embarrassed as he realized what they we're assuming.  "Jack we need to talk" you say as you get up and drag him into your room and shut the door. "What's up" he says brushing himself off. "About earlier in the bathroom..?" You say looking at him kinda embarrassed no able to keep eye contact. "We don't have to talk about now if you don't want to I mean we both agree we were confused with our feelings" he says as he kinda slightly chuckles. "No I wanna talk about it, I just.." you say moving you hands around trying to express yourself. "Are you ok y/n?"  Jack says putting his hand on your shoulder.  You continue to look at him while trying to hold the eye contact.  "I yah" you say slightly smiling as you tilt your head.  "Ok" he says smiling faintly back. "I just..what I am trying to say is I am not confused anymore and it's hard to express what I am feeling towards you.!" You say motioning your hands and slightly raising your voice.  You stop talking and breath heavily as if you ran but has you stand there panting holding your arms around yourself you suddenly feel him hug you.  "Hey, breathe..we can figure it out together." He says hold your face. "What?" You say calming down. "We can hang out more and talk and try and figure out these feelings and how to express them if that makes sense" he says laughing a lil. "Yah, yah it does" you say smiling.

Jack Champion x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now