Chapter 2

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When you learnt that All Might would be teaching the hero basic training every member of the class got super excited.

"I am coming through the door like a normal person!" you would have called that entrance anything but normal.

As he marched up to the teacher's podium you heard your classmates whispering around you. All Might turned to your class and started talking.

"I teach Hero Basic Training. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject."

He paused for a second before he continued.

"Let's get right into it. This is what we're going to do today."

From god knows where he presented a card that had BATTLE written on it in huge letters.

"Combat training." he shouted with enthusiasm.

You noticed that even Bakugo seemed to perk up at that in front of you.

"And for that you will need these." All Might gestured towards the wall that opened, revealing cases of your hero costumes.

It was a weird feeling to wear that jacket if you were honest. It wasn't your brother's, not really, his got destroyed with him in the accident, but you knew what it looked like, you've snuggled up in it enough as a kid. You weren't sure what went through your head when you requested the Costume Department to add it on.

The rest of your costume was simple, just a black bodysuit and thigh high black compression socks with white boots and fingerless gloves. Though the outfit might have seemed simple, it was specifically made so that you could feel the air and weather conditions around you. That was all well, but now, looking at yourself in the mirror, with your brother's jacket hanging around your shoulders for the first time in years, you questioned your decision.

You could almost smell his cologne on the sleeves.

"That's a cool costume Y/n." Mina exclaimed from your side, pulling your attention from the mirror.

"Thank you, you look nice as well." you complimented her in return and soon you found yourself smiling again as the girls discussed their costume choices, and their discarded designs, one worse than the other.

You stepped out of the locker room with Yaoyorozu and Uraraka, glancing over the costumes of the boys. It seemed like everyone went all out with the designs.

Some were more simple, some a bit more flashy, but everyone managed to get a costume that suited them and their quirk.

"You look like Red Riot with this." you smiled at Kirishima and he grinned back at you.

"You noticed? He's my biggest inspiration, so I tried to make my costume like his a bit."

"It suits you very well." you complimented the boy.

"Oi, move." someone barked behind your back, pulling you back to your senses.

"Oh sorry." you stepped aside, turning, just to meet with Bakugo's intense gaze looking down on you.

You had to admit, he looked great in his costume. The design reflected his quirk and it was just tight enough to show off his muscles. You could tell he spent hours on it, and it showed.

"What?" he scoffed and you blinked, just realizing that you just stood there staring at him like a creep.

Unbeknownst to you, he also looked you up and down, trying to gauge your quirk from your costume.

From the softball throw it seemed like it was something powerful. But just from standing at the sidelines that day he had no idea what it was.

"Nothing." you shook your head and he walked away without another word.

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