Chapter 9

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The night air was cool against your skin as you walked down the street, gazing at the view in front of you. The city was buzzing with nightlife, and you listened to the mixture of insects and cars whooshing by as you thought back on everything that happened earlier that day.

They said school would be out for a while.

Your parents phoned you before you went to the hospital, worried sick. Guilt washed over you as your mum tried to ask you to come back home, tears streaming down her face, but you managed to convince them to let you stay, the fact that Aizawa was your teacher made that easier.

You left the part about him being in the hospital, unconscious out for them.

You didn't like that school was going to be out.

You liked going, being surrounded by the others, even if it meant training till you were heaving for breath and dealing with the grumblings of Bakugo. There was something calming in the routine of it all that you desperately needed now.

Images of Shigaraki's gray hair flooded your vision, alongside with the nomu that got dangerously close to you and Bakugo. All Might's bloody figure. The fear in your classmate's eyes.

The familiar scent that you felt, suspended in the nothingness of the warp gate.

What was it again?

Like sun on the pavement after heavy rainfall. A hint of lavender. Cold.

You smelled that exact combination before. But where?

"Huh?!" a large grunt pulled you from your thoughts, and when you looked up, your eyes met a very stunned, grumpy blonde.

He was wearing a tank top and some shorts, his hands full of grocery bags, one of which dangled as he pointed at you.

"The hell are you doing here?"

You just gawked at him, mouth opening like you wanted to say something but no sound came out.

You were too stunned to see him here, like this, so casual after what happened earlier.

You also couldn't bring yourself to tell him where you were, not ready to let other people know that you knew Aizawa from before.

You were so surprised that you practically missed the lady standing next to Bakugo until she hit him on the back of the head with a loud yell.

"Katsuki! Quit pointing, it's rude!"

Without waiting for the obviously coming retort she turned to you with a smile on her face.

"And who would you be? Are you in Katsuki's class?"

"Katsuki?" you asked, glancing from the woman to Bakugo, before a smirk that sent shivers down his back made its way onto your face.

You nodded.

"Yes, I am Katsuki's classmate. I sit behind him in class."

"Well that's just lovely, it's not everyday I get to meet his friends. I'm Mitsuki." she beamed, while her demon of a child just growled at her side.

"She's not my friend."

"Oh but what are you doing out here so late dear? Are you okay? You're coming from the direction of the hospital aren't you?" Mitsuki asked, suddenly concerned, ignoring her son.

She must have put two and two together with the earlier events of the day, and thought that you got a check up.

"Oh no, I was just...visiting someone."

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