Chris - Imagine

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"We have to stop meeting like this," a voice said from the side of me. My eyes flew open and I smiled as Lynn sat next to me on the bed and Jordan ran around the hospital room with his toy plane, laughing.

"What are you doing here, gorgeous. I thought Jordan was starting school." I said quietly.

"He does, that's why I left him with Troye and Jai back at the house. I came here to Chicago alone after I heard what happened."

I looked at her confused and then back to where Jordan was just a second before, but he was no where to be seen.

"But Jordan, he just..."

"Just what, Chris?"

"Lynn, lay with me.." I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Are you sure? You're not hurt?"

"I'm fine, I promise. I just, I miss you so much. I miss being with you."

She smiled and layed down next to me on the hospital bed. I could see through the window it was dark outside. I pulled her close to me, like the first time she layed with me in a hospital bed.

"Lynn something's happening, and I don't know what." I sighed.

"What do you mean?" She whispered, her lips grazing my neck.

"If I tell you, you'll think I'm crazy."

"I already do." she laughed.

So I told her about the nurse and the doctor and how I saw Jordan, but she was just quiet.

"Sounds to me like you got a batch of some messed up shit.." she giggled.

"Nice to know it's funny to you.."

"No, Chris come on," she said, climbing on top of me so that we were face to face, "maybe the drugs just not out of your system yet, you'll be fine my love."

"This drug is fucking me up though, I don't know what's real and what isnt..."

"Im not.." she said, starting to kiss my neck slowly.

"What do you mean.." I managed through breaths. I hadn't been with Lynn in a sexual way in so long, I forgot how good it felt.

"I'm not real, my love, you're imagining me too.." she said, almost inaudible. I opened my eyes, and suddenly she was gone.

The room was dark and quiet, I was the only one there, no one else, not even Lynn.


"It's been 2 days god damnnit I want to leave." I sighed, sitting on the hospital bed and pulling my hospital gown off and the pants that I had came in on.

"I don't think you should..." Crawford pleaded, "you're still showing symptoms of the drug being in your system."

"Like what? What symptoms?"

"Like talking to hallucinations, Chris." Kirsten said from behind Crawford.

"How do you know about that.." I asked confused.

"Because we are hallucinations." Crawford laughed.

"Fuck." I cursed and sat back on the bed, letting my head fall into my hands, "how do I tell the difference."

"Between what?" A voice called from the hospital room door.

I tuned and Sammy and Kenny smiled back at me.

"Nothing, nothing." I said, putting my shirt on.

"You leaving?" Kenny asked, handing me a coffee and taking a sip from the other one he had.

"I can't just stay here and do nothing, we have a gig tonight, right?" I asked, taking a sip from my coffee and ignoring the fact that it burnt my throat.

"Yea, since we missed the other one, we have one tonight at navy pier." Sammy answered, staring out the window.

"Alright then of course I'm leaving, I have to get ready to preform. Lets go the venue, I wanna check it out." I said, sitting my coffee down on the table and putting my shoes on one by one.

"Yea sure man, but you might wanna talk to Lynn before you go..." Kenny said, sitting on the window ledge.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Jordan started school today, so she's been up all morning and she's been calling like crazy." Sammy sighed.

"I wish I could've been there, for Jodans first day..." I whispered quietly, picking up my coffee.

"You could've-" Sammy started, but Kenny cut him off.

"Ohk so how about you call her and then we can go? Me and Sam will wait in the lobby downstairs." he said, walking out the room and motioning for Sammy to follow him.

I waited until they were gone for a minute or two before I picked up my phone and dialed Lynn's number.

It rang once, twice, three times. Just as I thought she wouldn't answer it picked up.

"Hello?" said Jacobs voice from the other receiver.

Beside You {b.f - book 2} ➳ Christian CollinsWhere stories live. Discover now