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It was a complete rush, being on stage in front of so many people. Their eyes focused on you, their smiles caused by you. I loved preforming, more than anything. I couldn't explain how it made me feel, not even the best writer could explain how it made me feel. But in simple underrated words, it made me feel alive.

So alive.

Like nothing was wrong, like nothing mattered, like the whole world was on fire. It was amazing and it's all I ever wanted to do.

After my performance I ran back stage and grabbed my water bottle with a huge smile.

"Aye man! That was great! They loved you!" Crawford yelled, pulling me into a hug.

"How do you feel man? First performance in a while..." Kenny asked with worried eyes.

"I feel great, seriously I feel amazing, that... that was amazing... I really needed that." I laughed, pouring water over my head.

"Chicago is always the craziest, LA is my favorite though. A lot more chill but still crazy and amazing. I love it." Sammy said, fixing the front of his shirt and getting ready to go up on stage since he was next.

"I need to call Lynn, I got to tell her. I got to share this happiness with her." I said, grabbing my phone and walking out the back door of the venue.

When I got outside I started to dial Lynn's number when two girls came from around the ally corner.

"Chris!! Oh my god!!" One of them with long red hair and a freckled face screamed.

There was a tall blonde girl with piercing blue eyes following behind her with a smile.

"Sorry," said the blonde one, "Jen can't contain the fangirl."

"I'm sorry, I'm such a loser I just I really love you and I thought I'd never meet you." The red haired one said starting to tear up.

"Aww you're not a loser, come here." I laughed, opening my arms for her to hug me.

She squealed, pulling me into a tight hug and starting to cry. Now when I say this girl was crying, I mean balling. Balling to the point where her make up was running and her blonde friend leaned against the wall with her head down, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry," she started, wiping her soaking face, "I just I love you.."

"I love you too gorgeous, you don't have to apologize." I reassured her, squeezing her tight and then letting her go.

"Can I get a picture? I mean actually wait I have to fix my face first, you can meet Stace while I, yea just, hold on." She mumbled, pulling out a mini mirror and some make up tubes from her purse.

Her blonde friend shook her head and started to walk over to me.

"I'm guessing you're Stace." I said sarcastically.

"No actually I'm just a random girl, i don't know who Stace is." She laughed.

"Nice to meet you Stace." I said with a smile.

"Actually my names Stacey only my friends call me Stace." She corrected.

"Wow low blow." I said pretending to be hurt.

"Haha. I was gonna say, so you can call me Stace. But I guess never mind." she said flipping her hair and looking away from me.

"Rawr." I growled, laughing at her sassiness.

"Ohk!" The red head named Jane yelled suddenly, "I'm ready. I'm ready. Stace take a picture of us, since you're not a fan of his anyways." She said matter of factly.

Beside You {b.f - book 2} ➳ Christian CollinsWhere stories live. Discover now