Lynn - Cry

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first off, I want to say I'm so so so freaking sorry. God, I procrastinate SOOO much when it comes to this book and I shouldn't I know that it's not fair to you guys and I'm so sorry. I think I just, like I lost my drive and inspiration for lynn and the story line and instead of trying to get that back I abandoned it. BUT I decided I loved this book and these characters way to much to let go, so here I am with TWO new chapters for you guys starting again with (hopefully) consecutive updates. as you can tell this book is longer than the last, maybe twice as long I'm thinking. and I've got a little plot set out for the rest of this book so it should go well. thanks for sticking along, I love you all soooo much. please please vote on my chapters and comment, I love reading the comments aha. if you haven't voted on some of my chapters I love you but you should go do that :D if you have then I love you stay gold :) alright, ON WITH THE SHOW. enjoyyyy

"he ACTUALLY told you to leave..." Craw said, shaking his head while he continued to pace back in forth in front of where Lily and I sat on the lounge couch.

"yea, he said it over and over..." my eyes started to water again and as I began to lean into Lily, Jordan and Lukas ran into the lounge suddenly.

"mommy there's mans at the door." Jordan said.

"yea, they're pounding they said they're the police..." Lukas added.

"the police?" Lily and I asked together.

just then the sound of sirens started to get louder and louder.

"are those ambulance sirens?" I asked standing up quickly.

we all looked at each other before Lily and Crawford rushed out of the lounge and I followed.

"STAY IN THE LOUNGE JORAN." I yelled before Crawford opened the door and the sound of sirens pierced through the air.

there were 2 police cars and 4 police men standing around something. suddenly an ambulance pulled in and two paramedics jumped out with equipment and rushed over to where the police men were standing. I started to walk over to where they were to see what had happened, when Luke ran up next to me.

"Luke? Luke what happened.. what are they looking at-" I started.

"Lynn, it wasn't you, he wasn't telling YOU to go away he thought you were one of them he didn't know it was you I swear to you he didn't mean it." Luke babbled, his hands shaking.

"what, what are you talking about? chr- chris? oh my god... is that who they're looking at? oh my god what happened to chris?" I started to panic in realization.

"just wait Lynn you can't go over there they need room-" Luke said, holding me back.

the paramedics took a gurney out of the ambulance and brought it over to where the police men were standing and started lifting a very limp and unconscious chris onto it.

"oh my god what happened to him? CHRIS! CHRIS!" I started to yell, wriggling to get free from Luke's grip, "let me GO."

"Lynn please, I can't, you can't go to him yet just... wait."


they pushed the gurney into the ambulance and just as Luke let me go they closed the doors.

"NO! NO, CHRIS!" I yelled, banging on the ambulance doors.

"m'am, please. calm down." an officer said, pulling me off the ambulance. she put herself between me and the ambulance and I stopped struggling.

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