Pastries and Confessions (Trey x GN!Reader)

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A/N:  So I don't have pitchforks coming after me, I will admit that I absolutely do love the "I baked cookies for you on Valentines day" confession, however, I wanted to take another route with baking as I *tried* to be more original [I mean, a Trey x reader that's centered around baking is very common so I wanted to not seem too redundant]))

Trey was no doubt an amazing baker and a great teacher, so it would make sense for Y/N to ask him to help them bake, right?  That would seem like a great idea, if that was why Y/N did want to learn how to bake.  For Y/N, their goal wasn't to bake a cake that wasn't burnt, they wanted to get closer to their crush, Trey Clover and maybe even confess in a unique way.  It was weird for Y/N to have feelings,

Eventually, Y/N had gotten more confident in their baking abilities and decided to set their plan into motion.  They were most definitely going to confess to their crush and it was most certainly not going to be the whole lovey dovey "I baked you cookies on Valentines day" confession.  No, Y/N would absolutely die inside if there was a cliche like that.  It's not exactly like Y/N was against that idea of a basic love story, they just wanted to explore different paths that could most likely be achieved by a more unique confession.  

Y/N pushed open the doors to the Heartslabuyul kitchen and greeted Trey.  "So, what would you like to make today?"  Trey asked.  Y/N pretended to think.  It was time to set their plan into action.

"Fortune cookies.  I heard they were challenging and quite finicky to make and I wanted to try."  Trey nodded in approval, secretly admiring how they were willing to take on a challenge.  

"Very well, help me get the ingredients."  With that, Y/N and Trey started walking to the store to get their supplies.

"So, how are things?"  Y/N asked.  Trey let out a sigh.

"Ace and Deuce are kind of stressing me out and it's getting more difficult to keep Riddle happy.  However, I've been enjoying our baking hangouts.  It's nice not having to worry about those three for a while."  He explained.  

Although, Y/N knew Trey was enjoying these hangout sessions as much as they were, a weight was lifted off their shoulders with that verbal confirmation.  One could even say it made Y/N's heart skip a beat even though it was just one sentence.  Trey was apparently *that* charismatic and Y/N slightly disliked that fact.  Not in a bad way, they just hated the way that Trey made them feel.  Especially because now they were even more nervous to confess now.  Luckily for them, they arrived at the store and gathered the ingredients.  The walk back was silent and slightly awkward as Y/N realized that Trey kept looking at them, looking like he wanted to say something.  Luckily baking eased the tension between the two and the cookies came out of the oven.  Y/N carefully stuffed her note into the cookie and gave it to Trey for him to try.

Trey opened up the cookie to reveal. . . A singular letter I? He was confused to say the least, however he decided against questioning it and tasted the cookie, "Not bad for the first time.  Your shape looks a little off, but that's to be expected."  

Y/N let out a sigh, "Alright. . . Can I try this again tomorrow? I want to get that shape right."  Trey nodded and waved to Y/N as they left for the day.  He was still interested in the note and kept it in his pocket.

During the next baking sessions, Y/N would always find the smallest of errors when it came to making their fortune cookies.  It was either not crispy enough, too soft, a little too burnt, slightly under and of course, weirdly shaped.  However, this was all apart of the plan.  They had already written down an I, l, i, k, e, y and o for the notes they were supposed to be putting in their fortune cookie.  One for every time they went to go bake with Trey.  This meant, the next time they saw Trey, everything would be revealed. . . Or, at least they thought so, Trey had other plans. 

Trey was puzzling over the random letters that Y/N kept on putting in the cookies once more.  This did not go unnoticed by the dorm leader himself, "Trey, you seem to be spacing out.  What's going on?  I cannot have any mistakes being made because of this."  Riddle asked.  Trey just handed him the letters.

"Just. . . Baking sessions with Y/N.  They keep on writing down letters and I know it's probably a joke, but, I don't get it."  Trey admitted.  Riddle looked through the letters and let out one of his signature 'I'm better than you' smirks.

"What was the order of the letters you got them in?"  He asked, trying to help guide Trey along.  He laid them out on the common room table for Trey to arrange.  After Trey managed to put them in the correct order, Riddle spoke up again, "Now, put a space between the I and the L as well as the E and the Y."  Trey immediately did that, still wondering what Riddle was getting at, "Now, what does that say?"  Riddle asked.  Trey thought for a moment before having a sudden realization,

"It's supposed to say 'I like you.' I just haven't got the U yet."  Trey pointed out.  Riddle nodded.

"Good.  Now, get some rest.  It's getting late."  

The next day came sooner than both Trey and Y/N expected.  Y/N couldn't sleep because they were nervous to put the final part of their confession into action and Trey was kept up by the knowledge that his crush liked them back.  Thus, the two had a small conversation over many cups of tea before starting their baking session.  Trey could tell that Y/N was fidgeting more than before and deduced it was because they were finally going to give him the final letter today.  However, he didn't want to see Y/N get injured if they couldn't keep their head clear in the kitchen and intervened.  "Y/N, just one thing before we start baking."  Y/N  immediately stopped fidgeting and looked over at Trey, wondering what he had to say.  Trey took a sip of his tea to keep himself composed, "So, I've liked you for a while now."  He confessed.  Y/N stared at him in shock,

". . . As a friend?"  They asked, Trey shook his head,

"Romantically."  He clarified.  Yet again, a whole lot of weight was lifted from Y/N.  Their crush actually liked them back.

"Well. . .  I actually like you too.  Those fortune cookies. . . I was planning on using those to confe-"

"I know."

". . . You. . . Know?"  Trey nodded his head, "Was it that obvious?"  Y/N asked. Trey shook his head once more,

"Riddle had to point it out for me."  He admitted.  Y/N let out their own sigh of relief, "We should probably start our baking session now."  Trey suggested,

"Right."  With that, the two begun their baking session, not as a hangout, but as a date.  Riddle walked into the kitchen to see how everything was going and was not surprised to find Y/N and Trey baking in the kitchen.  However, he did take note of how little space there was between the two and he could just feel something that was different between the two,

"Trey, did you both confess yet?"  He asked.  Trey looked over at Riddle, slightly caught off guard by that confession but gave a nod.  Looking pleased with himself, Riddle walked out of the kitchen and went to his study.  This gave him an excuse to look at more of the Queen of Heart's Rules as he was certain there were some about relationships.  In the end, Y/N was happy because they started dating their crush, Riddle was happy because he got to share more of the Queen of Heart's Rules.  The same could not be said for Trey, who was currently buried under a stack of rules on relationships. 

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