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but you know what's even worse? when emotional pain starts doubling as physical pain. when every time you cry there is this agonizing burn at the back of your throat and every time you think of those words your chest stings, tightens-- and it's unbearable. i guess sometimes I would rather rip my heart of my chest because instead of being the thing that pumps blood it's starting to feel more than it should; it breaks, literally. i could feel it, every crack, every piece im losing. but it wouldn't hurt if it wasn't there, right? sometimes it's just so suffocating and when I say suffocating I mean, I literally feel like the world is strangling me to my near death. It gets so hard to breathe and it's the most painful feeling you'll ever know. and at some point, all my anger just turned into sobs because being angry at the world all the time is just exhausting.

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