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Ash pov

"I can't believe you would recklessly run out!" Bossman yelled "At least I did the job!" the runt backfired "You should be more like ash! He's 4 and he can listen better!" Bossman pointed across the table. My life is just order, missions and rest. "This going to be one long meeting" I thought pulling out my Gameboy advance.

I went back to my apartment. I'm living alone. What happened to my family you ask? Killed off by my mom's husband. I normally eat out in those family run restaurants. I already have a bag packed for when orders are released, so I just took it and got a thermos lunch box for my oatmeal. I don't live in a luxurious place, I live in a normal apartment in McLean Street. "3:15 I'll be heading out now" I clicked the pocket watch. Which is the is for communication and tracking me almost every lycoris has one.  I jumped in my Jeep Wrangler and started the engine started my long journey from The outskirts of pallet town to Celadon city.

I'm already in Cerulean city I just have to put gas in my Jeep. Why was I talking a two hour drive to Celadon city? Simple it was an order, I was tasked with disposing of the stalkers of Ms. Andromeda. Ms. Andromeda was in 5! Of the best movies and tv shows of this year. To not let any scummy men ruin her life I was tasked to look after her.

As I continue my journey a call was coming my way I opened my pocket watch "Number 1 lycoris speaking" I kept one hand driving and the other holding the pocket watch "Wassup little man!" Brother bear greeted. Brother Bear aka Luke Calestine is my senior he's Head Cadet. "Greetings to you Cadet Calestine" I had finally entered the city of Celadon "So how's your little road trip going?" He popped a can of something through the communication system "I have arrived in Celadon city in exactly 5:44 I'm using the spell Evanesco to hide my self from these lowly mortals" I replied avoiding passers by "I see we got news from fishy face that the stalkers are going to use a pick up truck" Luke said "What's the color of the truck?" I ask while looking for a place to have my late snack "Crimson red with a long gash in it's right doors might be because of gang violence" Luke said "I see, thank you for the information. I'll be off now" I closed the watch as I parked in a ally beside a dinner.

I sat down in my table with a burger and fries with a milkshake "Time to eat!" I lowly say as to not disturb the other passengers. In the training grounds were told to savor every bite as it would might be our last meal. "Andromeda Larson-Aether? Looks like she's an affair baby" I sipped on my milkshake, "Here is your order little man" the waitress gave me a paper bag "Thanks Pretty lady!" I said "What a gentleman" the waitress patted my head "Here you go!" I have her a 200 tip "Oh no no it's fine really" the waitress smiled "Oh I insist!" I place it inside her apron "Well then thank you" The waitress then left as so did I with my food.

Exactly 7:08, beside a bar waiting for Andromeda to come out. "Damn she sure is taking her time ain't she buddy?" As I pet my grimhound Wolfric the dog could only bark as I heard some commotion I started up my Jeep.

"Come on now Ms. Andromeda!" A guy held Andromeda hand "We'll take you back to your hotel" Another guy bringing her inside the car "Oh if you bring me back to my hotel- okay then I'll go with you!" Andromeda who is definitely had too much to drink, they drove off leaving a cloud of dust without letting anyone know they had the star actress Andromeda with them.

"Those scumbags! They spiked her drink!" I was furious and followed then "Spiking a woman's drink is unacceptable!" As I let Wolfric take the wheel while I took my grappling hook "Wolfric I'm leaving the jeep to you!" As the hook took hold on one of the street lights and swinged off. Landing on top of the car's roof holding Ms. Andromeda hostage I took out my sword and cut the roof everyone in the car was freaking out all but Andromeda who was sleeping I kicked the spiral metal giving a big opening for me to slip in and take out the guys with weapons "You little-" as I punched the guy in the passenger seat knocking him out I then kicked the guy in the back seat to the left with a powerful kick which broke the glass I then punched in the chest in the back seat in the chest which caused blood to come out of his mouth knocking him out then I took out a needle and held the driver in a head lock from the back seat I then pierced the guy in the neck with the needle soon the guys mouth started to foam I then took over the wheel.

By taking over the wheel I brought Andromeda to her hotel. And left the guys in prison all the while Wolfric is driving the jeep. I sat down in a park I hear distant barking and I see Wolfric with the bag from the dinner in his mouth "Wolfric over here!" I yelled over he sat down beside me in the bench I gave him, his very one burger and his own drink "Today was super fun right Wolfric?" I patted his head Wolfric just barked it was innocent enough for people to think it was just a boy and his dog.

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