Another Order

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Ash pov

The pocket watch isn't just for transmitting calls or tracking people it's other uses are to scan the area for any useful information, it can hack into any technical door or any security camera and many more.

On too today's mission, I was tasked to steal information from a crime boss in a casino in Johto this casino. Sadly Wolfric will not be joining us because of his vet appointment, so I'm on my own.

Driving through the city of Goldenrod. "I should get some Tokoyaki or maybe Oknomoyaki!" I thought, closing in on the casino. I parked the car in between to dumpsters and hid it with some cardboard.

"Immobilize security cameras" I pressed the pocket watch "Camera's in floors 1 and 2 are disabled" the pocket watch chimed that's when I made a run for it, running inside the casino. I only have 15 minutes to get to the other floor before the immobilization ends and switches to floor 3 and 4! I ran up the stairs, I can't risk getting caught in the elevator, "Floors 3 and 4 cameras are disabled" the pocket watch chimed, I busted through through the door and ran to find the Big Bad bosses office is, not long after I heard chattering I dived into the food elevator, "Looks like there's a party" I whispered while got out soon I ran once more to find that blasted room.

"Floor 5 cameras are disabled" the pocket watch chimed, as I ran for the food elevator "Damnit it lost track of time" I cursed "What- What if " I took out my dagger and cut through the the roof of the elevator "This is risky but this will work I hope" I made an opening just a big enough for me to crawl out of but not letting the elevator fall "Alright I'm out!" Putting back my dagger "There's nothing up there for the grappling hook to hold on too" I whispered "So we have to climb!" I took a deep breath and jumped high which caused the elevator to fall down leaving the rope left "Just like camp!" I thought and started climbing up using the rope.

After a while I got to the food elevator opening in the fifth floor. "How long did it take for me to get up here?" I thought and looked at my pocket watch "10 minutes? Not bad" I said and ran to find the room. When I found it I busted through the doors and locking it. I put the hard drive into the computer and sat down on the Big Bad Bosses chair with a cold coke in hand looking at the city below through the glass "Information complete!" The computer chimed I took the hard drive out, "The watch is overused so I have to get out another way" I said and opened my bag and took out a one card, I placed the cards edge on too the glass and started to carve out a circle "Big bro Snitch did a great job with his new invention" I thought taking out the glass. I stepped on the carved circle hands holding on to it "Alrighty. One! Two! Three!" I braced myself then "Geronimo!" I yelled jumping out of the building.

Holding on to the release of the parachute in my bag as I got closer to the ally I parked the car then I pulled the tag and soon my parachute came out guiding myself out of the way of power lines. Soon I landed on top of a convenience store beside the casino and took my parachute off there and climbed down using the the exposed pipe line. "Time to get Tokoyaki!" I said taking my car out and speeding off to find a Tokoyaki place to eat in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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