Another Order

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Ash pov

I got my Jeep Wrangler upgraded to a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 392 which is perfect for today's mission. Driving through the deep Sinmoh forests with deep ditches, high slopes and many more. Why was I driving through the forest to retrieve a rich man's son and daughter more specifically Mr. Bond's kids Ruby and Vlad. There were located in a abandoned wearhouse, those kidnappers are such noobs.

Stopping in the side of the wearhouse. "I'll break through that window. Wolfric you take the front, just in case some of the scummy guys try to get out or if something bad happens to me got it?" I explained the plan Wolfric barked in response, "On the count of three we bust in mark" I said I put up my hood and my mask then
taking a deep breath my body went to spectator mode.


I shot my grappling hook to one of the metal chimneys of the wearhouse. Then Wolfric made a run for it.


I was pulled by the grappling hook high into the air which I was able to see the rest of the forest Because of that I saw Wolfric beat up the goons up front of the wearhouse.


Raising my foot to the glass window without any hesitation I broke through it. While retracting my hook from the chimney. I shot my grappling hook up into hanging lights of the wearhouse as soon as I landed on top of the light the men started firing but I dogged it all taking out my sword and jumping down I cut through one of the goons I immediately attacked the others.

By the end of it all a bloody mess was made. I cleaned myself up with a towel from my backpack, then released the children who were unconscious. "Looks like the front doors are locked up" I thought, I took out a star shaped whistle it soon a Sonic boom busted through the doors which was caused by my trusty partner Wolfric "Mind helping me buddy?" I ask while waving Vlad's unconscious arm Wolfric came sprinting towards me I draped the kid over Wolfric back "Hope he's not too heavy buddy" I said giving the unconscious girl a piggyback ride "So what do you think we should it for lunch?" I asked "Wendy's?" I ask Wolfric shook his head. "Arby's?" I ask while putting the girl into the back seat Wolfric shook his head "Perhaps Taco Bell?" I ask yet again while putting the boy in the backseat "Chick-fil-A?" I guessed while putting on the kids seatbelt wolfric shook his head again "McDonald's?" I said while getting into the car then finally Wolfric barked of approval was heard "Alrighty then let's get these guys to there place and we'll eat out" I said starting the car and driving off.

Eating in a park after a blood bath mission was great especially if you have your best friend. "So bud how do you like your Mc'nuggets?" I ask Wolfric barked a sign of approval, he then pointed his paw to my chicken sandwich "There are good especially with there coke" I said Wolfric tail wagged and barked, another innocent scenery of a child and it's bestest friend.

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