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(I skipped extreme measures cause

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(I skipped extreme measures cause....it doesn't have that much to includeee)

"So that's why you quit, was because he bribed a winner?"Bea asked

It's been a few days since I told her, she was still asking me questions though. We were at in-n-out as our grandma was watching Rose and mom was hard at work. Let's just the LaRusso's, one got their ass brutally beaten and the other is watching that one.

I didn't work today, I worked almost 14 hours yesterday and that's all I clocked in for the week. 

"Kinda yeah, I mean a lot of factors."I responded eating a fry "I mean, it really fucks with your mind you know? Kreese and Silver are master manipulators and it's like your under a spell. You understand what I'm saying?"I asked her

Bea nodded "So that's why Kenny is being suck a dickhead?" "Correct. He isn't listening to anyone like me, Robby, or even you cause he sees us as the enemy and Silver like a god. All Cobra Kai is like that"I continued taking a drink

"So when you were in Cobra Kai did anyone tell you to quit but you didn't listen?" "I still have Eli blocked on everything because back then after he switched he wouldn't stop texting me. Now I just ignore him to avoid answering questions, like right now."I said to bea

Bea nodded understanding "Never join Cobra Kai Bea. If they ever start up Miyagi-Do or Eagle Fang, I wouldn't care if you join. Just don't make the same mistake as me."I said to her

"Would you do it with me?"She asked "I...I don't know."I responded, we enjoyed a peaceful silence the rest of our time there and in the car.

After a while at home there was a knock on the door. "I got it!"Bea yelled as she ran to the door, "Ew" was the next thing I heard as she let whoever it was in and closed the door.

"Who is it?"I asked and she walked back in "Ew should be a clue."She said as Eli walked in after her. "What do you want?"I asked him "Yeah don't you have other things to do?"Bea said as she sat back down on the couch

"Well I am here with a proposition."He said but stopped there "Well?"Bea said 

"We're trying to get Miyagi-Do back up." "Okay and why do you need us?"I asked looking at my laptop 

"Well after the...water park incident. I talked to the other guys and if you were to join Karate again we would be okay with you joining." He said and I looked at him

"No."I said "Not because it's miyagi-do i'm done with that part of my life."I said and Bea looked at me with hopeful eyes as well as some concern

"But I do know someone who would want to join."

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