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the meds aren't working anymore

I feel myself crashing down fast and hard

I just laid in bed until Bea came in and screamed and then called mom.

Mom I guess ran home and came into my room.

"Lia, what's wrong?" "I don't know, I just feel empty." 

She took me to the psychologist and on the way called my therapist. Once we got there Courtney met us in

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked me and I nodded and she sat me down "I just woke up this morning and I felt nothing. Like everything I was trying to make better just didn't and it wasn't worth trying anymore."I responded looking at my hands

I wanted to cry. Why couldn't I cry?

"It's okay, look at me."Courtney said and I looked at her eyes "I'm not gonna give up on you. It's okay to feel, it's okay to feel like this. You just need to focus on something instead of avoiding it."She said

I don't know why that set something off in me, maybe learning for once they wouldn't keep giving up on me and just send me off to someone else to be there problem didn't make me feel alone.

But there in the middle of a psychologist's office I cried, I let everything out and fell into Courtney who just held onto me and let me let everything out.

But if your wondering, they did prescribe me to a stronger medication but maybe what I needed was to not be given up on.



Realized I never gave Courtney a face-claim lol.

Realized I never gave Courtney a face-claim lol

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Gina Rodriguez as Courtney

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