A New Chapter

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Opening her eyes, she finally can see, 

All of the sorrow and pain emanating from her filled the very space that she resides in.

Flinging back curtains, the dust clears, and her mission becomes clear.

She must pick up and begin to live again.

She drags herself into the shower letting the water revive her body.

Hopping in the car, she heads to the gym to revive her soul.

Looking in the mirror, she makes note of what she sees, her worth, her beauty...her strength.

She knows that she can no longer shroud herself in her husband's essence, he was gone.

Stepping outside, she was overwhelmed by deceptive hands disguised as help.

Her feelings hurt, she slinked back inside.  

Laying down, she didn't get up again for a while. 

Then...he...reminded her that only she could find her happiness and that it was not created by others.  

She began looking for happiness within, remembering some of the things that she used to enjoy.

Sunsets, butterflies, good music, laughter, writing, crocheting, flowers, nature and family.

These things brought her life...

Life brought her him. 

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