To Serve and Protect (graphic)

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Eleven years ago, I was shot in the face.
Blood shooting from my face, quickly I cover the searing pain with my hand.
I cry out to anyone listening, I've been shot! I've been shot!
No reply was heard.
Quietly, I lay down on the ground, my weak hand falling from my face.
Still nothing.
Blood still gushing from the wound, pools around me onto the ground.
Whispering, help me.
Finally, a voice cuts through the dark.
Dam, look at her, think we fucked up!
Nah, another voice answers, we will be OK.
In the distance, sirens sound.
Help has arrived.
What happened here?! a newcomer asks.
There is no reply.
Finally, helping hands lift me from the ground.
Whisking me away from those who protected to serve, left behind.
A kind voice breaks the silence.
You're going to be OK.
Blood blurs my vision as they cut off my clothes, cleaning up as they go.
There's her beautiful face, a soft voice says to me.
She takes my hand, squeezing tight
You have been through a lot, you sweet girl. I see the fear in your eyes. There's no need to be afraid.
But there was.
Soon after pulling bullet fragments from my face I was told there was still another piece lost somewhere near my nose inside my face.
Before I could get comfortable the chief of police stops by for a visit.
Not knowing what I said to him due to being drugged up with pain meds, I am then transported to the police station.
In a tiny room, I am questioned for hours.
Only after stating several times I was exhausted, do they transport me home, back where it all started.
Congealed blood staining my porch.
My blood.
Never to be justified, such an injustice.
A portion of my face now numb for the rest of my life.
Never before did I feel fear,
Forever scarred inside and out.
By those sworn to serve and protect.

This is a true story when 2 police officers kicked in my door, 2 in the morning because my pit bull's dog tag was expired and he had been picked up the week before. They not only shot me in the face, they shot my fiance in the foot, arrested him for the dog tag and murdered my dogs who were simply trying to protect us. This happened in 2005 and I still suffer from the effects of it. They do not.

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