Chapter 5

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'A human being is a deciding being.' -Unknown

Chapter 5 - Enjoy x

 "You did what? Are you asking for a death wish?" Trish shrieked, pacing back and forth in the bathroom. The odor of the room was burning my nostrils. I was gagging each time I inhaled. I had been forced into this room which I hated. Yeah, call me a freak for hating public bathrooms.

This was the reaction I had received when Trish found out about the little prank I'd pulled today. She could find things out by the snap of a finger, or so it seemed. She was like those cheerleaders that could gossip forever. I sometimes tried to push her buttons further, in some cases her eyes would burst out of her eyelids. Well not literally, you could say that it possibly could happen.

"Oh here's the best part," I paused dramatically and gave her a convincing toothy grin before resuming, "I kneed him in the balls." I start chuckling a little. I glanced back at a shocked Trish. Her jaw was on the verge of touching the floor. She was scared of Blake like the rest of the school. I, on the other hand, didn't find him at all intimidating.

Psh, who am I kidding? I almost shit myself when I'm around a meter radius from him. But I can't show him I'm weak. He'll maybe, just maybe leave me alone. Ha! Who am I fooling, I doubt that.

"You did what? Oh my god, I'm dead. You are dead. Heck, we are both going to die today." She yelled. She was obviously exaggerating. Blake wasn't going to kill us. Maybe he would humiliate us, as well as some girls yelling at us. But nothing too big.

I went over to Trish and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in for a warm hug. She returned the hug, squeezing tightly. We stood there for a while until I pulled back. My stomach was grumbling. I stifled my laughter through my hand and so did Trish.

"My stomach is crying! Please, let's feed it? Or else it'll cry during class." I whined, hoping she'd take me out of this stink hole. She let out a small huff, knowing I'd start my whining episode, which she hated with a passion. Who could blame her, when I whined to get what I want?

"Fine..." She answered. I squealed, relieved I didn't have to whine anymore. We went out the bathroom and walked down the long corridor. There were barely any students around, but with knowing it was lunch time, it made sense. They were all waiting rather patiently for their food. Kidding... the café is very elegant. Trust me, these kids were taught properly. Whenever you walked around inside, it was very soothing. It wasn't especially loud or quiet. There were large windows, allowing light to illuminate throughout the room. It was really quite beautiful, I told myself.

We finally made it to the café and I pushed open the door. Everyone's eyes were on me. Some were glaring at me. 'Some', being those snobby, rich girls that only cared about themselves. Others were winking at me. It was very disturbing, actually. I looked over at Trish who gave me a small and reassuring smile. She knew I hated attention. I'd rather jump into a tub of ice cold water.

I glanced to a specific table. It was one that no one would dare get close to. It was the property of 3 people, males to be precise. Yup, you got it. Blake, Asher, and Cameron. They, thankfully, didn't look at me. I looked at them as they were all laughing loudly, their chuckles bouncing around the cafeteria. It was like they didn't give a care in the world. Thankfully again, it didn't seem as though they were looking for anyone. More specifically, me.

I quickly and steadily, trying not to fall or break a heel, walked towards our usual table. We sat with 2 other friends. Their names were Sapphire and Caroline. They were amazing but they weren't as close to me as Trish was. Yeah, we would do basically everything together. Meh... I consider them to be like sisters too. Let's just say, if I had to choose between the 3 of them, I'd still pick Trish.

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