Chapter 17

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The throbbing pain that came from my head. My head felt like it was growing by the second. I heard muffles and someone tapping on their foot. Trying to open my eyes was like trying to open a can of tuna with your finger. My eyes felt glued together. I groan annoyed with that fact. Once I did a pain strikes my head. That's when I was able to open my eyes. Everything at first was a blur. I didn't know if I was at heaven or the damn hospital. Smelling the air I concluded that I was in the hospital. Once getting over that fact. I looked to my left. Surprised to see them, yes I said them. As in more than one. I blanked more then once trying to get back to my senses. 

I mean why would the schools bad boys be sitting right beside me. Let alone have a concern face on. I shut my eyes once more, then opened it. Doing this process more then once. Having a feeling I am behaving like an animal. 

"Nurse she's acting up again." Someone with a deep voice spoke. I am assuming that that was Blake because I have a feeling it was him who notice me when I feel unconscious. I turned my head and to my surprise it was Asher. Though I could of swore it was Blake. 

I suddenly started to laugh at his last comment. Why in the world would he say I am acting up again. No, wait he has his right. I completely understand. With all my strength I managed to speak. My head felt like it was being stabbed, but I held it in.

I took a deep breath before I said anything. My eyes still closed because of the light in the room targeting my eyes. "Ashy, I am okay I just have my moments" I informed him.

"Oh, you should tell us if you are having your strange moments again, that really scared me." Asher clutched onto his chest. He also added a dramatic sigh that fitted the situation a whole lot. 

I started to giggled a little. Not with pressure, knowing I'll feel more pain than I am experiencing now. 

However the whole time I was talking with Asher. I didn't notice Cameron was sitting right beside Asher. He looked very closed. As in closed I mean very in his own world. It made me think. Think about what might be going on in his little head. I mean I'll admit that I am one nosy kitten. Though I sometimes expect more and believe that there is more to everything. Getting over that thought, I think I'll greet Cameron.

"Cameron, how are you?" I asked kindly and grin as I was at it. I needed to show him I wasn't that bad. I wasn't a bitch.

He lifted his eyes towards my way. Today, I'll mark my calendar. Reason why is because today is the day Cameron actually smiled at me. He freaking smiled at me. SCORE! I shall tweet this on twitter. Well not really. Though you see how astonished I am. 

Strangely after that he just walked out the room. Without replying, I guess he thought just smiling would answer the question. Come to think of it he was right, indeed. Slowly turning my head towards Asher I needed to ask him the one question that was sitting on top of my brain. 

Did Blake help me at my time of need?

I am guessing it slipped out of my mouth. Because Asher quickly answer it without any hesitation.

"I am the one who notice you were injured. Not Blake I mean aren't you two in a fight?" He added as if that'll change me thought. Asher was acting quite weird. How he just spoke felt kind of aggressive. Don't question me it just did. 

"I could of swore he was the one, but if not I understand. Also what were we fighting about anyway?" I questioned. 

Honestly I knew exactly why, but I just didn't feel like going over that faze. Also I just felt like just pretending to forget my past. My past as in my bully years. I just want washed that off completely. Then people will be more lay low about that. If I have to confessed that. Then I need to prove it by being bitchy and a whore again. 

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