Valentine Surprise

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Ben and Dean made it to the Crypto Arena and they both had their Laker's jerseys and fitted caps on. They went to the concessions stand before making their way to their court side seats.

"Man look at this, I can't believe I'm here. Look at all these celebrities we're sitting beside." Dean said.

"I know man my wife is so amazing for getting these seats," Ben replied.

"Oop excuse me," a petite Asian woman said as she sat beside Dean while holding her camera.

Dean looked over at Ben with his I eyebrow raised. "Ben she's fine isn't she," Dean whispered.

Ben threw some popcorn into his mouth before looking over at her. "Not like my wife," Ben said before looking back out at the court.

Dean rolled his eyes and turned his attention to the woman. "Hello, my name is Dean and this is my friend Ben. Is this your first time at a Laker's game?"

The bubbly woman turned to Dean and smiled. "Nice to meet you both, my name is JJ and no I come to games all the time. It's kind of part of my job," she said matter of factly.

"Wow that's cool well my job isn't as cool as this, I'm a firefighter."

JJ turned all the way towards Dean with a paused expression on her face. "Oh wow no that is so cool, heroic and noble. You're a real life super hero on a daily basis," she said excited.

"Yeah I guess I am. Well Ben here is a firefighter, surgeon and a anesthesiologist," Dean said and JJ looked over at him amazed.

"Thanks but I'm married he isn't," Ben said as he ate his popcorn.

JJ turned her attention back to Dean and moved closer to him. "Oh yes the game is starting," JJ said.

Miranda decided to spend her day relaxing at the spa. She wanted to go shopping but Ben insisted that she wait because he wanted to do it with her. Miranda closed her eyes as the massage therapist started her massage and before she knew it she was being awakened when it was over. She even got a mani/pedi which is something she didn't do very often because she or Ben would paint her toenails.

When her spa appointment was over she ordered some food then laid out all the things she was going to decorate the room with. Miranda blew up balloons and covered the floor with them, then she sprinkled rose petals all over the bed and she saved some to use in the bathtub. Miranda placed the candles in the safest places around the room before lighting them. Lastly she opened the fruit tray and chocolate so that they could dip the fruit.

Once everything was laid out Miranda decided to take a shower. When she was done she moisturized her skin then put on the lingerie she bought. She looked in the mirror to check her curls and she looked at herself. She smiled and twirled to look at herself from behind. She hated thongs but she had to admit she looked good and this was a once in awhile thing because Ben preferred her to just be naked anyway. Miranda decided to just relax on the couch because Ben would be back soon.

The game was coming to an end and everyone was on edge to see if the Lakers would win. As the last shot was thrown and the buzzer sounded the crowd cheered loudly in victory for the Lakers. Ben jumped up and so did Dean and JJ who were hugging each other.

"I've enjoyed watching the game with you. I hate for this to end....I'm going to a party in Beverly Hills and you could come with," JJ said.

"Oh a party in Beverly Hills that would be cool. Ben do you think we could go—

"Aht I'm not going to a party in Beverly Hills. I'm going back to the hotel where my wife is waiting for me."

"JJ did you drive here?"

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