You Were Enough; You Are Everything

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It's never easy, staring over somewhere. New town, new people, new life. It's what Frank had been hoping for with the move to LA. 

Not that he would see the love of his life working in the same place. Holding the hand of his former best friend.  No, this was not the life he was imagining.  As he pulled in for his first team meeting a few days later, he tries to shake the feeling of despair. He needed to be focused as he was meeting his teammates for the first time. 

Walking in, he's met by the general manager, Todd Phelps. "Morning Frank." 

"Morning, Mr. Phelps." He shakes hands with the man. 

"Please, call me Todd.  Let me show you around."  He walked him though the lobby of the offices. "Staff offices, including mine, are here, next level down is the gym and locker room." He walked towards the double doors and into the space of the Dodgers' locker room.  Frank walked around, taking in the light wood color of the cubbies, the chairs a neutral color.  It balances well with all of the Dodger blue that exists. 

"This one is yours," Todd points out.  Frank is in between a J Storm and C Bellinger. He nodded at Todd. "Ok, this way to the team video room." The noise level increased as they got closer, and Frank took a breath. 

"Alright gentlemen, listen up," Todd yelled into the room, quieting them. "This is Frank Adler, our new first baseman from Boston.  I want you guys to introduce yourselves as we get this practice going. The preseason will be moving to Arizona as usual but I wanted to start here just so we can blend better. Let's get on the field and warm up." 

All the men went to change, and Frank went to his locker to see his training uniform.  He sighed. 

"It's daunting, isn't?"

Frank looked at the man standing next to him. Shaved blonde hair, blue eyes, popping gum in his mouth. "Kinda," he replied.  "Frank Adler," he offered his hand. 

"Johnny Storm, pitcher.  People call me the Human Torch, you know, cause of the fastball."  Johnny smiled cockily. "And I know you have one of the fastest gloves in baseball." 

"True," Frank smiled. "It's nice to meet you."  He started to change. 

"Now, Adler, you single?" Johnny looked at his hands.  "No ring." 

"Yeah, single but not looking.  Have my niece to look after." 

"You'd make a good wingman," Johnny shrugged. "Cody usually went with me but now he's engaged or whatever and I need a wingman." 

"Do you not have a filter, Torch?"

"Nope."  Johnny laughed.  "C'mon, I'll jog with ya and we can get warmed up." 


Practice is practice and Frank hits the showers, ready to go to dinner with Mary and Scott.  The California sun in February is still soft but it still burned a little.  Frank contemplates drowning himself. Johnny wouldn't shut up, but he was a good distraction from his thoughts.  Thoughts of the genius brunette in the front office, his Cricket.  He shook his head.  No, she was with someone else now. Even if he hated the guy, he would never interfere with her relationship because he had done enough damage in his own. 

Thankfully, Johnny had left by the time Frank got out to get dressed.  He left his number for him, which Frank slipped into his bag as he left.  He was adjusting his watch before he bumped into someone.  "God, sorry. "

"It's ok," a small voice replied.  Frank looked at the person.  Abby. 

"I'm sorry Dr. Hernandez."  He stepped around her to leave. 

Sliding into Home (A Frank Adler AU x MLB)Where stories live. Discover now